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'Selections from State Papers, Bombay, regarding the East India Company's Connection with the Persian Gulf, with a Summary of Events, 1600-1800' [‎88v] (176/540)

The record is made up of 1 volume (269 folios). It was created in 1908. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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we enjoined the Compliance with our orders as often as possible. That we were
informed they refused accepting a sum tendered by Capt. Baillie, on account
Mr. Seeker's estate & giving him bills, tho' at the same time they in-
Satisfaction ^ formed us our directions on that head shou d be observed and they owned
obtaining rogom themselves in want of silver Rupees Indian silver coin also widely used in the Persian Gulf. to advance for the Wool investment. We
Banda^Ei^ mentioned our satisfacrion at Mr. Wood's having obtained a rogom from Careem
Caun for settling at Bundereek and the reception he met with there. We re
commended to them to regulate with the strictest frugality his expences and as
the sum charged for his passage was exorbitant, they must enquire into the
circumstances that occasioned it, and if the account prove satisfactory, discharge
it, that we must await further information from them before we cou'd form any
judgement relative to Mr. Shaw. That we shou'd by the conveyance comply
with their indents, We advised in regard to Jacques Charles Hermet, agreeable to
Consultation of the 23rd ultimo and directed them to forward the accompanying
packet to the Hon'ble the Court of Directors The London-based directors of the East India Company who dealt with the daily conduct of the Company's affairs. , likewise to advice them of
everything material as well relative to Mr. Shaw, as the Dutch re-establishing
their factory An East India Company trading post. at Bussorah. Despatched per boat a letter to the Chief at Fort
Victoria, advising our then complying with his sevl. indents, but desired he
would in future give us earlier notice, in regard to the provisions, as a boat was
not always immediately procurable.
From— F iuncis W ood , Resident at Bunderick, to A lbxander D ouglas , Agent & Council at
Eight Worshipful Sir & Sirs ;
Conformable to your W 0 &c^, permission I have began to build a house
for the Hon'ble Company's servants at this place, and shall be particularly
carefull regarding the expenee as well as the Compleatness of the work,
tho' by means of the Dutch who employ all the poor people they can get
in Constructing Hummums, Houses, and Carravanseroys at barrack, I find a
good deal of difficulty in getting Labourer but when the reapers return from
the Harvest I hope soon to finish the Business, of which your W2, &ci shall
be timely advised, and as the present troubles in the Country render the place
very unsafe. I beg your W^ &ct won't think of making me any Consign
ments till I am in a better Capacity of defending them.
The 2* of March I forwarded your packet (which came by the
Commander of the Ally Racky Grab Shallow vessel with a projecting bow. ) to Bussorah under the care of M^ Roger
Shaw, and that sent by the shotter accompanying your commands of the 7th
March shall be entrusted to Erancis Walker, who proceeds to Bussorah the
5^ Instant with the most valuable of my Effects which I don't chuse to risk
in Bunderick till the Commotions among the neighbouring powers are ili some
measure subsided and mercantile affairs also bear a better aspect.
I advised your Wa. & ci by the Prince Edward that I shortly proposed
spending a few days with the Dutch at barrack, to enable me to speak with
more certainty regarding their affairs, in pursuance of which resolution I went
over there upon the Neptune Gall'y the 6^ ultimo and did not return till the
15^ after making the f ollowing remarks whirh for the sake of brevitv I s^hall
here lay before your W° & C ! l without Confining myself to the fluency of an
exact Connexion.

About this item


The volume is Selections from State Papers, Bombay, regarding the East India Company's Connection with the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , with a Summary of Events, 1600-1800 (Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, 1908). The work was prepared by Jerome Antony Saldanha.

The volume consists of a summary of events in the history of the East India Company's involvement with Persia and the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , during the period 1600-1800, taken from various printed sources and the selections from the records of the Bombay Government as contained in the present volume (folios 8-39); followed by the selections themselves (folios 40-235); and eleven appendices containing farmans [firmans] and statements of farmans, reports on commerce with Persia and Arabia, a list of the East India Company's agents, and a glossary of words (folios 236-269).

A list of records from which the selections had been made appears on folio 4v.

Extent and format
1 volume (269 folios)

A summary of the selections appears between folios 8-39. Those printed in the volume are indicated in the summary with Roman numerals.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at 1 on the front cover and terminates at 270 on the last folio (there is no back cover). The numbers are written in pencil, are enclosed in a circle, and appear in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. This is the system used to determine the sequence of pages.

Pagination: there is also an original printed pagination sequence, numbered ii-lxiii (folios 4-39) and 2-459 (folios 40-269). These numbers appear at the top of each page.

Condition: the volume is largely disbound because of deterioration to the binding, and there is no back cover. There is also significant damage to the edges of the front cover and some of the folios at the beginning of the volume, but this has not led to any loss of text.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Selections from State Papers, Bombay, regarding the East India Company's Connection with the Persian Gulf, with a Summary of Events, 1600-1800' [‎88v] (176/540), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/20/C227, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 5 January 2025]

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