
Photo 355/1/38

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The record is made up of 1 b&w albumen Method of printing photographs using an emulsion of salt and egg white (albumen). print. It was created in c. 1870. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Visual Arts.

About this record


Genre/Subject Matter:

General view of the sea front in Bahrain, possibly at Manama. The horizon line is punctuated by various built structures before which a variety of dhows and other craft are moored, at anchor or pulled up along the shoreline.

A large group of figures can be seen standing alongside a white-washed wall right of the centre of the image.

A gravelly area to the left in the foreground indicates that the photograph was taken from land, not from on board ship.


Upper right, in pencil alongside image: 'b', '38'

Below image, in pen: 'Bahrein'

Extent and format
1 b&w albumen Method of printing photographs using an emulsion of salt and egg white (albumen). print
Physical characteristics


106 x 206 mm


Albumen Method of printing photographs using an emulsion of salt and egg white (albumen). print on paper


The print is in good condition with staining and light creasing in the sky area in the upper left corner and minor surface dirt throughout.


‘b’ (crossed out); ‘38’


Albumen Method of printing photographs using an emulsion of salt and egg white (albumen). print

Written in
English in Latin script

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: Visual Arts
Access conditions


Archive reference
Photo 355/1/38

History of this record

c. 1870 (CE, Gregorian)

Related material

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Surrogate analogue: B.23955


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'Bahrein', British Library: Visual Arts, Photo 355/1/38, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023618815.0x00000d> [accessed 5 July 2024]

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IIIF details

This record has a IIIF manifest available as follows. If you have a compatible viewer you can drag the icon to load it.https://www.qdl.qa/en/iiif/81055/vdc_100023281998.0x000001/manifestOpen in Universal viewerOpen in Mirador viewerMore options for embedding images