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'Persia and the Persian Question by the Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon, M.P.' [‎8] (17/748)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (369 folios). It was created in 1892. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.

Apply page layout

Landscape—Blind Karun—Kaban canal—Arab camps -Riverain settle-
ments—Wild game—Ahwaz—The rapids—The great dam—Main rapid
—Highest rapids—Channel, canal, or tramway ?—Ahwaz, or Aginis—War
of 1857—Bunder-i-Nasiri—Introduction to the Mirza—His wily ways—-
His distinguished guests—The Mirza after a night's rest— Dramatis
fersonse —The 'Susa'—The Karun "above Ahwaz—Weiss or Oweiss—
Shapur or Shaur river—Point of confluence—Bund-i-Kir—The^ three
confluents—The Ab-i-Diz—The Ab-i-Shuteit—The Ab-i-Gerger—Night at
Bund-i-Kir—Routes to Shushter—The island—Sunrise—Outskirts of
Shushter—History—Population—Modern Features—Cellars—Trade and
Manufactures—Layard and Selby on the people—Modern character—
Appearance and dress—-Situation of town—Waterworks-—(1) The Ab-i-
Gerger—Dams and mills—(2) The Ab-i-Shuteit—Bund and Bridge of
Valerian—Broken section—(3) TheMinau canal—Tradition of Valerian—
Explanation of ancient hydraulics—Construction of the Gerger canal—
Building of the big hund —The citadel—TheNizam-es-Sultaneh—Arsenal
—Civilities—Descent of the Gerger—The Mirza again—Opposition to
British navigation—Prospect in 1889—Subsequent progress^-Public
works—Native enterprise—British fortunes ......
Persian dread of the sea—Maritime ambitions of Nadir Shah. (1) The Caspian
~ (2) The Persian Gulf—Kerim Khan Zend ; —Treaties of Gulistan and
Turkomanchai—Occupation of Ashurada—The Shah's yacht—The Per
sian Gulf—The 4 Persepolis '—The'Susa' . .
THE PERSIAN GULF The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran.
Historical interest of the Gulf—Synopsis. Northern coast line—Southern
coast line—Bunder Mashur and Hindian—Persian jurisdiction—Bunder
Dilam—Bunder Rig—Bushire—Coast landscape—Kharak Island—Dash-
tistan and Kangun—Region of historic interest—Lingah—Native craft
—Trade—Town and population—Island of Kishm—British military
settlements—An adventurer's career—Henjam Island—Ormuz and
Bunder Abbas—History of Ormuz—Portuguese ascendency—Natural dis
advantages—Splendour of city—English merchants—Rupture between
Portugal and Persia—Persian mala Move to Bunder Abbas—Its cli
mate—Collapse of the factory An East India Company trading post. at Bunder Abbas—Removal to Bushire—
Claims of Muscat—Re-assertion of Persian authority—Modern Bunder
Abbas — Trade — Minau — Jask — Indo-European Telegraph — Indian
military station—Modern Jask—Mekran coast—Gwadur—Coast scenery
— History—Survey—History of Oman — Ruling dynasty—Seyid Said,
1804-1856—Muscat and Zanzibar—City of Muscat—Castles—Pano
rama—Climate—City and people—Foreign representatives—Trade—An
old Pretender—Arab warriors—Cape Musandim—English occupation—

About this item


The volume is Volume II of George Nathaniel Curzon, Persia and the Persian Question , 2 vols (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1892).

The volume contains illustrations and six maps.

The chapter headings are as follows:

Extent and format
1 volume (369 folios)

The volume is divided into chapters. There is a list of contents between ff. 351-353, followed by a list of illustrations, f. 354. There is an index to this volume and Volume I (IOR/L/PS/C43/1) between ff. 707-716.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at 350 on the first folio bearing text and terminates at 716 (the last folio bearing text). The numbers are written in pencil, are enclosed in a circle, and appear in the top right-hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. There is also an original printed pagination sequence. This runs from vi-xii (ff. 351-354) and 2-653 (ff. 355-716).

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Persia and the Persian Question by the Hon. George Nathaniel Curzon, M.P.' [‎8] (17/748), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/20/C43/2, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 2 October 2024]

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