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‘File 5/6 I Brussels Conference and general rules and procedure on slave traffic’ [‎57v] (131/297)

The record is made up of 1 volume (137 folios). It was created in 28 Mar 1892-21 May 1925. It was written in English, French, Arabic and Persian. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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licence provided for in Article XXXIX, shall entail the immediate withdrawal of the
zation or licence. All offences against the provisions of section 2 of Chapter III shall in 5 ' ,This '
Power's b y the P enalti es enacted by special laws and ordinances of each of the Cont^ " Thec
be added
'' The Signatory Powers undertake to deposit at the International Information Offi ^ r
men forms of the following documents : ^tiona! imormation Office A^TheC
f( 1. Licence to fly the flag ; ill m all c
" 2. Crew list ; ' ,1C ^
" 3* Manifest of Negro passengers.
" These documents, the tenour of which may vary according to the differpnf P . "A sun
language 0 " 111 ^' Sha " COm P ulsoril y col,tain the following particulars drawn up in a
!• As regards the authorization to fly the fW : 3 Pow , er
(i \ t , i i • cill be kep
( a '' 1Iie name i tonnage, ng, and principal dimensions of the vessel ;
" The agister number and the signal letter of the port of registry ;
"(f.) Thejate of obtaining the licence, and the office held the person who " Ifin
f 2. As regards the crew list; * r ing the p
: I' ie name or the vessel ' of the captain, and of the fitter-out or owner; jeThc det:
(^.) The tonnage of the vessel ; the p owe
" (c.) The register number and the port of registry of the vessel, its destina- "EachJ
and the particulars specified in Article XXV. is or spec
3. As regards the manifest of Negro passengers ; pointment
''Tf 6 0f the -I eSSe i W ! lich contains ^em, and the particulars indicated in Arf " The 51
XXXVI for the proper identification of the passengers. ' '^nsents to 1
The Signatory Powers shall take the necessary measures in order that the territorial an-
ities or their Consuls may send to the said office certified copies of all authorizat ons to I
any s rchrth a oH^ a n? th0n2atl0nS Sha11 haVe been ^ anted ' ^ ^ the" wit^t
"The provisions of the present Article only concern the papers intended for native vessinded^r
"2. Detention of Suspected Vessels, )untry, in t
"When the officers in command of vessels of war of anv of thp Slo-naf^r n t. "If it is
to believe that a vessel of less than 500 tons burthen fnnnH in fv, 53 ator y Powers have rear.. _
engaged in the slave trade, or is guilty of the fraudulent use of 1 flao- 6 thev^ mentl0ned , Z0I1{
verification of the ship's papers. ^ the y ma y P r oceed to I
• • P resen t Article does not imply any change in the nresent staf-p nf f^.*
jurisdiction in territorial waters. P ^ nt state of things as regafi "if the
, . . *-***. oni ^ ves .
With tins object, a boat commanded by a naval officer in nnifnrm mo-., u 1 , 16 inquiry
suspected .vessel after it has been hailed to 'give notice of such intention ' ^ Seat 0n ^ : " The ,, a
moderation?"'^ Sent ^ b0ard VeSSel detained shal1 act with al1 Possible consideration f 1 -. 11 The S
" The ca
The s
"In the
"ARTICLE XLIV. nth the spe
nv. vtimcdnuu ui tne sniD'S naners «hall rnnci'cf ..i.1 . •,
ments :
^The verification of the ship's papers shall consist in the examination of the following tSrity, to
« a j • 5 hem 80 far
i. As regards native vessels, the papers mentioned in Article XLI, P ot -
" 2 ' A \L e n g s ar rlrafntog?n flrce^ d0CUmentS r ^ uired ^ the different Treaties or Co..
" The verification of the ship's papers only authorizes the mimf-pr nf />,. j mi ^ ^
m the cases and under the conditions provided for in the follow7n| Article an ^^'ut oTihco,
"ARTICLE XLV. 'irected the
In cas
on ir
as mentioned in Article XX.,, and in^d™^^^^ ..
. „ Tribunal of
U R r • ■ . I iNO eX(
Betore quitting the detained vessel, the officer shall draw ud a Minute *rrnrj; n <r : lmount of th
forms and in the language of the county to which he belono-s. C specified in 1

About this item


Correspondence related to the distribution of the text of the General Act of the Brussels Conference of 1890 throughout the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. region. The English version of the Act is on folios 32-37. William Lee-Warner, Secretary to the Government of India in Bombay, sent Adelbert Talbot ( Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , 1891-93) 100 copies of the Act in Persian (folios 5-19), and 100 in Arabic, for distribution to the Political Agencies on the Persian and Arab coasts of the Gulf respectively. Talbot sent 25 copies of the Persian translation of the Act to his Political Agent A mid-ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Agency. in Bandar-e Lengeh, and a further 25 copies to the Agent of the British India Steam Navigation Co. (Gray Paul & Co.) at Bandar-e Abbas. The Governor of Turkish Arabistan, Nizam-es-Sultaneh was critical of the distributed Persian translation of the Act, which had been produced under the authority of British Government staff in Bombay. In response Talbot commissioned and distributed a new translation (folios 73-88), produced under his authority at the Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. in Bushire.

Extent and format
1 volume (137 folios)

The contents of the volume have been arranged chronologically, with the earliest documents at the front, and the latest at the rear.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: The volume has been foliated with small circled numbers in the top right corner of each front-facing page. The front cover has been foliated 1, then there are two unfoliated pages, before foliation restarts at 2 on the title sheet. After the title sheet and contents page (folio 4) there are a further three unfoliated blank pages before foliation restarts on the first piece of correspondence.). Folio 100 is missing.

Written in
English, French, Arabic and Persian in Latin and Arabic script
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‘File 5/6 I Brussels Conference and general rules and procedure on slave traffic’ [‎57v] (131/297), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/199, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 11 March 2025]

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