‘Chart of the South Coast of the Persian Gulph from Shaum to Ul Umrah by Philip Maughan. 1821. Drawn by M. Houghton’


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The record is made up of 1 map. It was created in 1821. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Map Collections.

About this record


Distinctive Features:

Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings Measurements of the depth of a body of water. .

Hand drawn nautical chart of the shores of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. compiled from the survey carried out by the Bombay Marine’s officers in 1821 showing the western coastline from Shaum [Ash Sha‘m or Sha’am] to Ul Umrah [Jazīrah al Ḩamrā’].

Below title a note: ‘I was assisted in the execution of the Survey by Lieut.t J.M. Guy Command.s the H.C. Cruizer Psyche, & by Lieut.ts R.Cogan, W.E. Rogers & M. Houghton. P.M. [Philip Maughan]’.

Includes a descriptive note with remarks on survey execution with details on hazardous features and coastal topography. Latitude of Shaum reported; a network of triangles inserted on the map in red ink.

The location of ruins of Ras el Khyma and fishermen huts indicated with shoals and rocks represented by crosses.

Contains dedication to the Court of Directors The London-based directors of the East India Company who dealt with the daily conduct of the Company's affairs. of the United East India Company from Philip Maughan.

Oriented with south to the top.

Extent and format
1 map
Area map covers
Map loading...
Scale approximately 1:48,000
Scale designator
Degree coordinates
Top-left: 26° 8' 22.56" N, 55° 30' 27.36" E
Top-right: 26° 8' 22.56" N, 56° 9' 29.16" E
Bottom-left: 25° 22' 20.64" N, 55° 30' 27.36" E
Bottom-right: 25° 22' 20.64" N, 56° 9' 29.16" E
Physical characteristics

Materials: Pen and ink on paper

Dimensions: 733 x 1245 mm, on sheet 765 x 1308 mm

Written in
English in Latin script

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: Map Collections
Access conditions


Archive reference
Former external reference(s)

History of this record

1821 (CE, Gregorian)

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‘Chart of the South Coast of the Persian Gulph from Shaum to Ul Umrah by Philip Maughan. 1821. Drawn by M. Houghton’, British Library: Map Collections, IOR/X/3681, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023472745.0x000001> [accessed 5 July 2024]

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