'Administration Reports 1920-1924' [105r] (214/412)
The record is made up of 1 volume (202 folios). It was created in 1921-1925. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
persian gulf
The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran.
An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India.
, 1921
Administration Report of the Kerman Consulate for the year 1922.
His Britannic Majesty's Consulate.
. T^ e charge of His Britannic Majesty's Consulate was held br Maior
A J. H. Grey until the 2/th November when he was relieved by Lieutenant-
tolonel U -D. H.. Haworth, who had previously acted as Consul in 1905.
Khan Bahadur Abdul Alim acted as Extra Eesident and until 28th Teb-
1 A ua ^, 0 ffi cl ^ted as Vice-Consul. He was relieved of his duties as Extra
Assistant Resident by Khan Bahadur Mohammed Ali Sufi on the 15th
Persian Officials.
His Excellency J'afar Kuli Khan,
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Assad held the post of Governor-
General up to September. The change for the worse in the behaviour on the
part of
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Assad, reported in the previous year, continued until his departure
his conduct was openly anti-British and, before he left, he boasted that he had
destroyed the pro-British party of Kerman, and in fact by the beo-innino- of
January, al pro-British notables had left the place, owing to the hostility which
he had displayed towards them.
Early in the year he apparently heard that his position in Kerman was
not very secure owing to the condition of the roads on which he maintained
insufficient protection, as he was embezzling most of the money allowed for
the purpose of road guards. He accordingly began to collect telegrams of
satistaction with his Government from priests, merchants and notables a
custom followed by every official who is in doubt of the stability of his position
Or who has been dismissed.
The Finance Agent was however instructed from Tehran to report the
Governor-General's income from sources other than his budget grant.
Early in the year, some of the Democrats, who had been the creatures of
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Assad, had apparently got tired of him and they also telegraphed to
Muayyid-ul-Islam, the Kerman Democrat
Elected representative or attorney, acting in legal matters such as contracting marriage, inheritance, or business; a high-ranking legal official; could also refer to a custodian or administrator.
in Tehran, asking him to
press for his dismissal. The Muayyid replied that the Moderates were also
demanding the Governor-General's dismissal and that he could not support
them. It was, however, evident that in the circumstances the
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
rule would not be a very long one but it Was not until August that he received
a telegram sanctioning two months' leave for him and he finally left Kerman
on the 7th September.
His rule has been one of the old Persian style^ i.e, s free embezzlement
from every possible source. It is estimated that he made Ts. 8,000 per
mensem from the budget for Sowars Road Guards alone of whom he kept but
40. His total income from all sources has been est-mated at Ts. 20,000 a
month or in round figures £4,000 per annum until March when the new army,
the Departments of Nazmieh (Police) and Amnieh (Safety) were formed!
His pay was then fixed as follows : —
Governor-General, Tsi 1,200. Deputy Governor-General, Ts. 250- Offirp
Staff and menials, Ts. 272.
It is a commentary on what he made elsewhere that even with this
reduced possibility for misappropriation he still desired to continue as Governor-
On his departure Haji Fath-ul-Mulk, the Pinance Agentj took over charge^
but orders were received from Tehran that Yawar Mohammad Khan, the
Officer Commanding the troops, was to officiate pending the arrival of the
new Governor-General
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Assad's Deputy Mufakhir-es-Sultaneh with he staff left On the
3 6th September, thus closing the connection of his Chief with the place. A
party of supporters had taken
(Per.) A Persian custom allowing an individual to seek asylum at a designated location.
in the Telegraph Office and a section of
About this item
- Content
The volume contains the following Reports: Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. for the Year 1920 (Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1921); Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. for the Year 1921 (Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1922); Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. for the Year 1922 ; Annual Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. for the Year 1923 ; and Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. for the Year 1924 .
The Reports consist of chapters containing separate administration reports on each of the agencies, consulates, vice-consulates and other administrative areas that made up the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. . In addition, the Report for 1923 commences with a review of the year as a whole by the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. . The Reports show some manuscript corrections.
The Reports include information on personnel; foreign representatives; local government; the administration of justice; political developments; notable events; official visits; military and naval matters; shipping and maritime matters; trade and commerce; economic matters; customs administration; pearl fisheries; British interests; oil; roads and communications; postal services; aviation; arms traffic; medical and health matters; water supply; meteorological conditions; slavery; and related matters.
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (202 folios)
- Arrangement
The Reports are bound in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume. There is a list of contents toward the front of each Report.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at 1 on the front cover and terminates at 204 on the back cover. These numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and can be found in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. The following folios need to be folded out to be read: ff. 89-91.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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'Administration Reports 1920-1924' [105r] (214/412), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/713, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023385511.0x00000f> [accessed 27 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/R/15/1/713
- Title
- 'Administration Reports 1920-1924'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, 2r:203v, back-i
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence