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Kitāb al-aḥkām ‘alá al-nisbah al-falakīyah كتاب الأحكام على النسبة الفلكية Sahl ibn Bishr سهل بن بشر [‎front-i] (7/112)

The record is made up of Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. iii+45+iii. It was created in 5 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1093. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

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A treatise on interrogatory astrology by Abū ‘Uthmān Sahl ibn Bishr al-Isrā’īlī (أبو عثمان سهل بن بشر الإسرائيلي; AD 786-c 845). The copy was produced by an anonymous scribe on the night of 5 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1093 (5 December 1682).

Folio 45r contains an astrological table written by a hand that appears to be later than that of the main scribe.

The text is divided into two chapters, each one subdivided into sections (أبواب). The first chapter gives an introduction to the science of astrology, and the second explains how answers to questions are to be found in the movements of the heavenly bodies. The first chapter of the treatise was translated into Latin as the Liber introductorius ad astrologiam or Introductorius ad scienciam iudiciorum astrorum in interrogationibus; the second chapter was translated as De interrogationibus.


  • Chapter One (ff. 1v-8v);
  • Chapter Two (ff. 8v-44v).

Begins (f. 1v, lines 2-4):

قال سهل بن بشر الإسرائيلي اعلم أن البروج الإثنى عشر منها ستة ذكور

وستة الإناث فالحمل برج ذكر نهاري والثور برج أنثى ليلي وكذلك يتلو الذكر

الأنثى والأنثى الذكر إلى آخر البروج ...

Ends (f. 44v, 19-23):

فانظر إلى موضع السعود والنحوس في هذه المواضع الإثنى عشر فكلّ برج كان فيه سعد

وكان صاحبه مسعودَا فأقض على ما ينسب إلى جوهر ذلك البيت بالفرح والخير وأيما برج كان

فيه نحسّا وكان صاحبه منحوسًا أفسد كلّ ما نسب إلى ذلك البيت والله تعالى أعلم بالصواب

وإليه المرجع والمأب وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليمًا

كثيرًا إلى يوم الدين ...

Colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. (f. 44v, 23-26):

... تمت الرسالة لسهل بن بشر الإسرائيلي

تحريرًا في ليلة الأحد المبارك 5 ذي الحجة الحرام

سنة 1093

Extent and format
Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. iii+45+iii
Physical characteristics

Material: Paper

Dimensions: 204 x 142 mm leaf [154 x 105 mm written]

Foliation: British Museum foliation in pencil; quire Collection of papers folded in half and stitched together to form a gathering of folios. marks on ff. 10, 20, 30 and 40 indicate quinions

Ruling: Misṭarah ; 23 lines per page; vertical spacing 15 lines per 10 cm

Script: Naskh

Ink: Black ink, with rubricated headings and overlinings in red

Binding: British Museum binding

Condition: Minor water damage in outer margin towards middle of volume

Marginalia: Some on ff. 1r-7r

Written in
Arabic in Arabic script
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Kitāb al-aḥkām ‘alá al-nisbah al-falakīyah كتاب الأحكام على النسبة الفلكية Sahl ibn Bishr سهل بن بشر [‎front-i] (7/112), British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Or 12802, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 27 March 2025]

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