'Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government' [314] (356/733)
The record is made up of 1 volume (364 folios). It was created in 1856. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
that His Royal Highness would co-operate in the measures to be carried
on against Lingah, Mogoo, Tawoonee, and Charrak, as those places
had completely identified themselves with the Joasmees. A letter was
likewise addressed to His Highness the Imaum of Muskat, nearly to
the same purport as the above, and intimating that Dr. Jukes and a
commissariat officer had been sent on in advance to make arrangements
for the co-operation of His Highness, and the provisioning troops after
their arrival at Kishm, where they were to rendezvous.
The expedition at last sailed from Bombay on the 4th November, the
commanding officer proceeding on board the Liverpool to Muskat,
which place he reached on the 13th, while the remainder of the convoy
proceeded on to Kishm. His Highness the Imaum on this occasion
agreed to furnish 4,000 men to act by land against Ras-ool-Khyma, and
three vessels of war to join the naval force.
After the troops had been refreshed at Kishm, the expedition proceed
ed over to Ras-ool-Khyma, which was immediately invested, and bat
tered in breach. After an active resistance of six days, the town was
taken possession of by the British force on the 9th December, the
enemy evacuating it on one side as the troops entered on the other.
Hussein bin Rahmah and Guzeeb bin Ahmed, the Chiefs, together with
their followers, who composed the garrison, surrendered at discretion.
The effect of this success was soon shown by many of the most power
ful and independent chieftains on the coast sending an unqualified offer
of submission to the British General.
On the 8th January 1820 a General Treaty* of Peace was concluded,
in Ras-ool-Khyma, between Major General Keir,
a. d. 1820. Government, and nearly
all the Chiefs of the Maritime Arabs in the Gulf of Persia, by whom it
was subsequently signed at different times and places. The sole pur
pose and scope of this treaty was the entire suppression of piracy, and
the adoption of such measures of precaution and general co-operation
as seemed best adapted to attain the object in view.
A separate Treatyf was concluded with Hussein bin AlUhe same day,
stipulating for the surrender of all his vessels (excepting the fishing-
boats), the release of all Indian prisoners, and the occupation of the
towns of Ras -ool-Khyma and Maharra by the British Government.
A similar Treaty^ was likewise entered into with Shaikh Sultan bin
Suggur, of Shargah, for the surrender of the towers, guns, and vessels of
Shargah, Ejman, Amulgavine, and their dependencies; stipulating, how
ever, that the British troops were not to enter the towns, or lay them waste.
a short time after these arrangements had been made, General Keir
* Vide pages 76 to 80 of this Selection. t Vide pages 81 and 82 of ditto.
% Vide pages 80 and 81 of ditto.
About this item
- Content
The volume is Selections from the records of the Bombay Government , compiled and edited by Robert Hughes Thomas, Assistant Secretary, Political Department, New Series: 24 (Bombay: Printed for Government at the Bombay Education Society's Press, 1856).
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (364 folios)
- Arrangement
The volume contains an abstract of contents on p. iii, a detailed list of contents on pp. vii-xx, an alphabetical index on pp. xxi-xxvii, and a list of maps etc on p. xviii.
- Physical characteristics
Pagination: two separate pagination sequences are present in the volume. The first sequence (pp. i-xviii) commences at the first page and terminates at the list of maps (p. xviii). A second pagination sequence then takes over (pp. 1-688), commencing at the title page and terminating at the final page. Both these pagination sequences are printed, with additions in pencil, and the numbers are found at the top (left, right or centre) of each page.
The fold-outs in this volume were not paginated by the publisher. As a result, these have been foliated using the nearest page number. For example, the fold-out attached to p.51 has been numbered as 51A.
Pagination anomalies: pp. 15, 15A; 45, 45A; 49, 49A; 51, 51A; 531, 531A.
The following pages need to be folded out to be read: 15A, 45A, 51A, 327-328, 531A.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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'Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government' [314] (356/733), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/732, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100022870192.0x00009d> [accessed 8 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/R/15/1/732
- Title
- 'Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, 1:28, 1:48, 50:688, back-i
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence