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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎166r] (336/1826)

The record is made up of 1 volume (908 folios). It was created in 1829. It was written in English, Arabic and Persian. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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p bad-kand (or A rupture, acholic,
p bdd-gdn, A keeper, a guardian, a treasurer. The
fore and hinder part of a garment.
p<Uojb bdd-gdnah, A latticed window,
p ili jb bdd-gdh, A privy.
PjUfjb bdd-guzar, An air-hole. A story-teller, a romancer,
p^jb bad-gar (or i^bb bad-gird), A whirlwind, hurricane.
p badgunji (or ^Sbb), The cholic, iliac disorder.
p bdd-gi (orj-£bb bud-gir), An airy house.
p J ?* - rbbV bdd-gtsu, Pride, airs, affectation.
p bd dil, Generous, brave, noble-hearted.
a ^j-jb bddaldn, An oyster.
a iJjb bddilat, The flesh between the arm-pit and breasts; or
the neck and collar-bone. Embroidered, brocaded.
p budiljdn, The fruit mala-insana or love-apple, the
solanum pomiferum of the Romans.
' p ^ bd dil ojdn, With all one’s heart,
p jb bddalijah, A sort of cannon,
p |*u'b bddam (for j*^b bdddm), An almond. Spiceries.
p i^cjb bdd-muhrah, An antidote for the bite of a serpent.
a j^b bddin (or badin), Old (man or woman). Fat.
p ^f^b bddinj, A cocoa-nut.
p^bsT^b bddinjdn (or ^bbjb bddingdn), The love-apple.
p jb bddang, Swaddling-clothes.
p Uj jb bdd-namd, A vane, pennant, flag, weather-cock, or
any thing which shows how the wind blows.
p bad- Kiin (for jjbjb bdd-bdiri), The sail of a ship.
The collar of a garment. A shirt, or shift. A cup, a goblet,
p JuJ j jb bdd o btd, Useless, unprofitable,
p I*J j jb bdd o dam, Pride, ostentation, self-complacency.
pJj jjb bdd-vez (or bdd-vezan), A ventilator, a fan.
p £jb bddah, Wine. Any cup or vessel filled with wine.
|jb Strong intoxicating wine, y i<jb New wine, ^b
bdidah paymudan, To measure out wine; to give todrink.
p^b *jb bddah-pdld, Racking wine. A wine-strainer,
p ^u'b bddah-parast, A worshipper of wine, a drunkard,
p iOb bdidah-paymdn, Measuring wine. Given to wine,
r tJU-y ^jb bddah-paymdni, Ebriety, crop-sickness,
pij^fejb bdd-harzah, An incantation employed by robbers
and house-breakers to lull the watchmen to sleep,
p jLJ^jb bddah-gusdr, A wine-drinker,
p ^Jb bdd-hanj (or^jb bdd-hilj), A building on the top
of houses in the East, in the form of a chimney, having an open
ing face to the west, which, catching the breeze, gives a re
freshing coolness to the apartments with which it communicates.
p JZ.y *jb bddah-ndsh, A wine-bibber, a drunkard.
p ,J!jl>jb bdd-hazcd-i, Fruitlessness, uselessness, waste.
^ * ...
p ufjb haifi, Mayest thou live for ever ! The signs Gemini,
Libra, and Aquarius. Flatulent, full of wind.
a i_£^b bddt, A peasant, a countryman. A beginning. An
author, a cause. The author is the most to blame.
Evidently destitute, ^ thought.
(_?<Jb The first glance. <_£^b At first. Grief, sorrow.
A Cl^bjb bddiydtu'l jinn, The desert of the Fairies. The
ancient Persian traditions say, that those spirits who inhabited
the world before Adam, having offended the Supreme Being,
were, upon the creation of the human race, banished to this de
sert, called also Jinnistan, which they suppose to lie on the wes
tern coast of Africa. It is likewise named Badiyat-i Ghul-dar,
the desert of monsters; the Gorgons, Medusas, Lamias, Ankas,
Griffins, and other dreadful creatures of the imagination, being
supposed also to reside here.
p jb jb bddydr, A falcon which has been trained for hunting,
p (jbijb bddydn (or &bob bddydnah), Fennel, anise,
p Jujb jb bddydwand, Strong, robust. Strength, valour,
p ^Jdjb jb bddydwandt, Bodily strength, power, force,
p bddi-paymdy, One who traverses the desert,
p -^^b bdidij, Large boots, or stockings,
p Jj jb bd did, Publicly, openly. Manifest, conspicuous.
p^-Ob bdidir, A pillar, a prop, a support, a shore, a buttress,
p jb bddyah, A capacious earthen vessel, in which wdne is
kept; also a large deep jug in which wine is brought to table;
and, from thence, filled into the smaller cups, to prevent the
spirit from evaporating.
A <Lob bddiyah, A desert. The deserts of Arabia, inhabited
by the BadawTns. <Lj ^^b bddiya-i tih, The desert of the Is
raelites. p^ ob bddyi-a ghul-ddr, The present world,
p cibf-J <£jjb bddiyah-paymdy, A swift horse. A traveller.
A t>b buzz, Bad, corrupt, wicked,
p bdzdrang, A citron, a quince,
p ^<-'b bdzdm (for j*^b bdddm), An almond. Men.
A bdzdmak, A kind of willow,
p jb bdzdzcard, A white thorn.
A £jb bdzikh, High, exalted, elevated,
p ^^^b bdzzam, A trifle, a thing of no importance,
pjjjb blizard, Parsley.
p Bdzghish, Name of a village dependent on Harat.
p L^-Jjb bdizaft, Name of a tree which emits a sweet perfume
when shaken by the wind.
A Jj^b bdzik, Date-wine, new wine, or a composition made of
it. Jj^b hdzik bdzik, Endowed with quickness of parts.
A Jjb bdzil, (part.) Expending, bestowing. Liberal, muni
ficent. p ^t-'b To employ every endeavour.
A<b<-'b bdzinat, Comparison. Knowledge. Confession.
Ajb ba-r (from^b), Digging (a well, a ditch, or a vault for
storing grain). Hiding, concealing. Laying up in a magazine.
*A J b bara (for bawara), (fut.j yaburu) He perished.
Pjb bar, A burden, a load, a weight, a charge. Baggage.
Pregnancy. A foetus. Fruit, flowers, blossoms. Sorrow, grief.

About this item


The volume is A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations , by John Richardson, of the Middle Temple and Wadham College, Oxford. Revised and improved by Charles Wilkins. This new edition has been enlarged by Francis Johnson. The volume was printed by J. L. Cox, London, 1829.

The volume begins with a preface (folios 7-8), followed by the dissertation (folios 9-40), proofs and illustrations (folios 41-49), and an advertisement on pronunciation and verb forms (folios 50-51). The dictionary is Arabic and Persian to English, arranged alphabetically according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets. At the back of the volume are corrections and additions (folio 908).

Extent and format
1 volume (908 folios)

The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 910; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English, Arabic and Persian in Latin and Arabic script
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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎166r] (336/1826), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/5/397, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 3 January 2025]

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