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File 3300/1916 Pt 2 'Aden News Letters:- (Jan. 1917-Dec. 1917)' [‎280r] (559/620)

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The record is made up of 1 item (310 folios). It was created in 22 Dec 1916-12 Dec 1918. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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A1 Kama’ira, Al-Hasha, Kataba, Mares, An-Nadera, Di-Sefal, Ta’iz,
and the whole territory of the Zaidis.
(3). The following shall be considered as under the Aden Government:—•
% All the tribes to the east of Yemen, as well as the nine districts.
Shaikh Mas’ud (who is the headman of the Hashid mission) replied to the Idrisi
that Imam Yehia is not likely to agree to his proposal at present, but if he (Idrisi)
will supply the Hashid and Bakil with funds and remunerate them (which is their
main object) the Imam will have to cow down to them.
The Idrisi told Shaikh Mas’ud that he will discuss the matter and in the mean
time the other members of the deputation might return back to their country.
The following news has been gathered from Muhammad bin Ali Hiba Makki
of Zabid.
I came from Sanaa. I travelled for 18 days until I reached Aden. There
is some quietude at Sanaa now. The son of the Imam named Ahmad bin Yehia
Hamid-ad-din nicknamed “ A1 Motawakil Alla Allah ” (also called A1 Momahid)
has revolted against his father Imam Yehia and took possession of all ammunitions,
stores etc., as also large amounts of funds of the State. The reason is said to be that
he (son of the Imam) became much angry against the Turks for killing the learned
men and firing at the Holy Place of Mecca. He proceeded to the tribesmen of Hashid
and Bakeel and stayed with them for some time. He wrote to all the heads of the
various tribes in Yemen to come to him and they have done so. He entered into
solemn undertakings with them to the effect that they shall espouse his cause and
supTort him in every respect. He obtained documents duly sealed by them to this
effect He explained to them the tyrannical reign of the Turks and their out
rageous deeds. 1 He accuses the Turks of having disrespected the Holy I lace of Mecca
by killing the learned men and the firing on the Kaba. Such acts he says on their
part is a § direct interference against the religion. The heads of the tribesmen also
l ine,l to the son of the Imam against the Turks for having cut off their
complained ^ , gaeed Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. ’ s go i n g to Lahej they have been put
usual al 'o^ance > to ^ a | their requirements which they used
into grea i TUe son of the Imam pointed out to them that he will take
to get tom Aden, etc. J^Js He wants to keep no more sign of the Turks in
revenge forthemfrom the x e to km each and
every one of them. He
Yemen and gave an oa tribesmen for this purpose. His force consists of
-f“ a Wl Ilfmchn Bani Harith and Bani Matar tribes. He proceeded with
them to the country of Bani Matar which is one day’s journey from Sanaa and
stationed there. approach towards them sent urgent
The Sanaa send a party of his troops to protect
messages to Imam a ]^ rm an ^ f e ar of his son’s interference with them. The
them as they are in g ^ ^ tribe of Bostan Zaidi) 5 00 have been posted in the
latter sent them l,o0 doors of g anaa an d 500 at Bir-al-Azab, the place 111
Turkish barracks, 5 ^ soldiers are being entertained now
which the Governor of \emen 1 ^ ^ citize ns of Sanaa. The Wall*
* Turkish Governor. se t U p the learned men and the merchants of
1 to to the son of the Imam with sacrifices and to request him to take
Sanaa, etc., als( H ° d not to attac k Sanaa with his force, as his men will no doubt
sympathy for t ^ ^ citizenS; Tlle Wali fears of being killed with his
outrage the CI Y aone to him (Imam’s son) with 40 bullocks but he kept quiet
troops. Ihey ded them). Again they went with 40 bullocks and on a third
of them (d'sreg ochg. T h e son of the Imam accepted the sacrifices and explained
occasion with no intent ; on to outrage the citizens nor do them any harm
to them that n ^ ^ lea ve no more Turks in Y r emen and so they quietly returned
but his sole oo] aW aiting what might take place. All doors of Sanaa are being
to Sanaa anxio j- ^ go aU ghops and houses, etc., on account of fear of an attack
closed after si tribesmen . The Turkish troops are daily seen at the doors of the
on the PfV ;ng for food and they are in a wretched condition.
"fi'rkiiof Sanaa is passing his days in his house at Bir-al-Azab. He gives Qy
The w, wv one pay much respect to him as before. He goes to the mosque
orders nor does .>

About this item


This part mostly consists of copies of Weekly Letters and enclosures from the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. at Aden, to the following: the Secretary to Government, Special Department, Bombay, and the Government of India in the Foreign Department (forwarded by the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. at Aden to the Secretary of State for India for information); and the British High Commissioner, Cairo (forwarded to the Under Secretary of State for India by the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs). These Weekly Letters are numbered, from number 1 of 6 January 1917, to number 12 of 31 October 1918. The file also includes India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Minute Paper covering sheets, and printed copies of previous Weekly Letters, which were sent to the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. as enclosures in letters from the Foreign Secretary to the Government of India. A few numbers of the Weekly Letters are not included in the file.

The Weekly Letters mostly concern relations between the following: Imam Yahya [Yahya Muhammad Hamid al-Din, who took the regnal name al-Mutawakkil ala Allah]; the Idrisi of Asir; various other rulers and tribes in the Yemen; the United Kingdom; and Turkey [the Ottoman Empire].

Extent and format
1 item (310 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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File 3300/1916 Pt 2 'Aden News Letters:- (Jan. 1917-Dec. 1917)' [‎280r] (559/620), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/610/2, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 2 July 2024]

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