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The record is made up of 1 volume (345 folios). It was created in 1882. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Chap. IV.
and distri
mu- m , . „,H. pns ions of the Ndgpur-Chatisgad Railway were
A w tSoTom Terora to Gordia, 18 ma„, and from
’c&S 1 EL to Ambg»», » »««•
G I. P. The M» j^touse on the” Ist J™ u»V 18 8 2 ° and it o
S7&EISa S contpleted by thoLd of 1884. A
»»* tEXnLItEESovon Lth" of EC
SIX ThXXntf waiting t^n, and offioe, at the Wadi A seasonal or intermittent watercourse, or the valley in which it flows.
Bandar goods terminus were completed It is proposed to build a
bridge between Nesbit Lane and Hancock Bridge m order to carry
?w ,?n nassenger line of the G. I. P. Railway across the two goods
hnes P ’ P It is also proposed to establish an additional railway school
at Ahmednagar and Ndsik instead of Panchman, which is at too
grGEtt 8i distance oft the line.
B. B. & C. I. Tb e G- I P. Company have submitted a plan to extend the Bhopal
Railway. ^ t Gawnpur and Gwalior, and the B. B. & C. I. R. Company
have proposed to connect Godhra via Rutlam with Cawnpur and
Gwalior. The extension to Godhra was opened in 1 ebruary 1882.
The Narbada Viaduct, which had been destroyed by floods, was
rebuilt and opened for traffic in May 1881, and the new Broach
Station has been finished. The goods terminus is to be removed
from Carnac Bandar to Mody Bay, and will be carried out at
a cost of nearly 4 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees ; and the line has been doubled from
Andheri to Virar.
Through rates The Government of India, wh.o have tlie exclusive control of
the rates to be charged on the Rajputana and East India ai -
ways, have ruled that no change affecting through rates by ei er
route is to be made without tbeir sanction, and deprecate any
competition for traffic between railways belonging to or guaran
teed by the State. The development of traffic on tbe Rajputana
Railway has been rapid, and as its capacities increase, it 6
necessary to attract a larger traffic to maintain progress.
The number of miles open on the G-. I. P. Railway was 1^5
and on the B. B. & C. I. Railway 445 ; tbe former carried
5,499,224 passengers and the latter 7,098,754 passengers. n
the G. I. P. Railway there were 281 accidents, including o o
fire in trains and on the B. B. & C. I. Railway 72. There were
6 passengers killed on the latter line and none on the foimer,
passengers were injured, and of the servants of the compani
63 were killed and 109 injured. On the State Railways J 3
were 259 accidents, including 174 cases of running over cattie,
chiefly on the Rajputana line: 32 persons were killed an
^nutne expenses Rs. 1,72,62,354, leaving a net r A ” a
s * 1^4,45,033, which is more by Rs. 66,74,938 than the am
earned in 1880-81, and is 6*29 per cent, interest on the ca P a
is sufficed to pay the guaranteed interest in lull, an . re
surp usof 37i lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . The coaching traffic yielded 63| lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees .
was a eelme in the receipts from first and second class p a
gers owing to the passengers to the North-West now using

About this item


Annual administration report of the Bombay Presidency The name given to each of the three divisions of the territory of the East India Company, and later the British Raj, on the Indian subcontinent. , providing a summary record of the main events and developments in each department of the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. during the financial year 1881-82. The report was printed at the Government Central Press, Bombay [Mumbai], in 1882.

The report is divided into three parts. Part I contains a report ‘SUMMARY’ (ff 9-32). Part II (ff 33-186) comprises chapters I-IX. Part III comprises ‘Statistical Returns’ pertaining to chapters I-VII and IX (ff 187-344). PART II comprises the following:

  • ‘CHAPTER I. POLITICAL’ (ff 34-68), consisting of: Gujarát States; Southern Gujarát; Marátha States; Sátára Jágirs [Satara Jagir States]; Southern Marátha States; Sind [Sindh] State; Aden
  • ‘CHAPTER II. ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAND. Surveys (ff 69-76), consisting of:; Topographical Survey; Revenue Survey; Wards’ Estates; Incumbered Estates; Ahmedbad [Ahmedabad] Tálukdárs
  • ‘CHAPTER III. PROTECTION. Registration’ (ff 77-109), consisting of: Course of Legislation; Police; Criminal Justice; Prisons; Civil Justice; The Dekkhan [Deccan] Agriculturist’s Relief Act; Bombay Court of Small Causes; Registration; Municipal Administration; Military; Marine; Bombay Port Trust
  • ‘CHAPTER IV. PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION’ (ff 109-141), consisting of: Agriculture; Weather and Crops; Horticulture; Forests; Mines and Quarries; Manufactures; Trade; Public Works; Irrigation.
  • ‘CHAPTER V. REVENUE AND FINANCE’ (ff 141-153), consisting of: Civil Imperial Transactions; Debt and Remittances; Mint; Currency; Land Revenue; Canal Revenue; Sources of Imperial Revenue other than Land; Revenue and Finance other than Imperial
  • ‘CHAPTER VI. VITAL STATISITICS AND MEDICAL SERVICES’ (ff 153-167), consisting of: Births and Deaths; Death-rate according to Districts; Cholera; Small-pox; Fever; Bowel Complaints; Injuries; Emigration; Medical Relief; Lunatic Asylums [psychiatric hospitals]; Sanitation; Vaccination
  • ‘CHAPTER VII. INSTRUCTION’ (ff 167-184), consisting of: Education; Literature and the Press; Arts and Sciences
  • ‘CHAPTER IX. MISCELLANEOUS’ (ff 185-186), consisting of: Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; Stationery; General Miscellaneous.

A table of contents listing the headings and sub-headings of the report is on folios 5-8. In a small number of instances, there are discrepancies in the spelling, phrasing or inclusion of sub-headings between the table of contents and the body of the report. In these cases, the sub-heading as it appears in the body of the report is included above.

Extent and format
1 volume (345 folios)

The report contains a table of contents listing headings and sub-headings.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 347; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY FOR THE YEAR 1881-82’ [‎132v] (269/589), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/V/10/293, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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