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The record is made up of 1 item (257 folios). It was created in 1870?. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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[ Bombay |
unexpected depth of the foundations. These have been got
in at a depth of 18 feet below low water, necessitating Dams
(and these only half tidal ones) of 29 feet in depth, and giving
a sea wall 40 feet in height over foundations. Total outlay,
Rs. 2,23,038.
301. Aden. —The Post Office Pier has been strengthened
by driving 37 piles braced togetlier by railway iron. Estimate,
Rs. 3 , 101 ; outlay, Rs. 2,519.
302. Carwar. —50 additional feet of the Wharf wall
have been completed, and the foundation of 152 feet more has
been laid. A steamer of 408 tons took in a cargo, a short time
back, alongside the iron pile Pier, at high water, and 3 large
Pattimars can lie alongside together at all times of the tide.
Outlay up to close of year, Rs. 7,15,077.
303. Northern Concern, —A survey of the Nagotna Creek
from Dhurumtur to Nagotna has been undertaken at the cost
of Local Funds.
304. Ahmedabad.—Axi embankment above spring tides
has been reconstructed at the edge
Khoon Bunder (Local Funds). 0 f the Bhadnr Creek, Khoon Bunder.
Cost, Rs. 4,269.
305. Kurrachee.
Harbour Works.
—The works were stopped in Decem
ber 1869. Funds, however, were
furnished in February.
306. In the year, 11,203 tons of rubble were deposited
in base of the Munora Breakwater, making, with what had
been previously flung in, 20,368 tons, or one-fifth of the whole
contents of the base, completing half proposed length of 1,500
feet. A portion of the superstructure, extending 86 feet from
the shore, is in a forward state; the blocks are moulded in
situ, founded on rubble sloping to low water, and abutting
on a boulder which forms a secure finish to the season’s work.

About this item


Annual administration report of the Bombay Presidency The name given to each of the three divisions of the territory of the East India Company, and later the British Raj, on the Indian subcontinent. , providing a summary record of the main events and developments in each department of the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. during the financial year 1869-70.

The report is divided into the following headings, some of which are further divided into sub-headings:

  • ‘JUDICIAL’ (ff 6-51), consisting of: Legislative; Civil Justice – Regulation Districts; Agent for Sirdars Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. ; Court of Small Causes, Bombay; Mofussil Courts of Small Causes; Criminal Justice – Regulation Districts; Police – Town and Island of Bombay; Regulation Districts; Jails; House of Correction, Bombay; Sind [Sindh]; Aden
  • ‘REVENUE’ (ff 52-60), consisting of: Land Revenue; Alienated Revenue; Customs, Salt and Opium
  • ‘FINANCIAL’ (ff 61-68), consisting of: Finance and Mint; Paper Currency
  • ‘POLITICAL’ (ff 69-89), consisting of: Kattywar [Kathiawar]; Kutch [Kachchh]; Baroda [Vadodara]; Rewa Kanta [Rewa Kantha]; Mahee Kanta [Mahi Kantha]; Pahlunpoor [Palanpur]; Khandeish [Khandesh]; Kolhapoor [Kolhapur]; Southern Mahratta [Maratha] Country; Akulkote [Akkalkot?]; Sawunt Warree [Savantvadi or Sawantwadi]; Junjeera [Janjira?]; ‘FOREIGN RELATIONS’ - Sind [Sindh]; Aden; Muscat; Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. ; Bahrein [Bahrain]
  • ‘PUBLIC WORKS’ (ff 90-123), consisting of: Military – Fortifications, Cantonments; Accommodation for Troops; Ordnance; Commissariat; Staff; Naval; Civil Buildings – Revenue; Post Office; Telegraph; General; Ecclesiastical; Educational; Judicial; Agricultural; Communications – Roads, Bridges; River Improvements; Accommodation for Travellers; Miscellaneous Public Improvements – Municipal, Harbour Improvements, Lighthouses; Statement of Imperial Expenditure incurred in Public Works
  • ‘PUBLIC WORKS - RAILWAY’ (ff 124-134), consisting of: Great Indian Peninsula Railway; Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway; Sind Railway; Indus Steam Flotilla
  • ‘MILITARY’ (ff 135-138)
  • ‘ECCLESIASTICAL’ (f 139)
  • ‘INDO-EUROPEAN TELEGRAPH’ (ff 140-154), consisting of: Electrician’s Report; Traffic Manager’s Report. Appendices to this section are included on folios 148v-154
  • ‘PUBLIC INSTRUCTION’ (ff 155-170)
  • ‘MEDICAL’(ff 171-172)
  • ‘VACCINATION’ (f 173)
  • ‘SURVEYS’ (ff 174-176), consisting of: Revenue Survey; Topographical Survey
  • ‘REGISTRATION’ (ff 177-179), including: Joint Stock Companies
  • ‘FORESTS’ (ff 180-186)
  • ‘COTTON’ (ff 187-194). Appendices to this section are included on folios 192-94
  • ‘MILLS’ (ff 195-96)
  • ‘MUNICIPAL’ (ff 197-256), consisting of: Bombay; Aden; Northern Division; Southern Division; Sind
  • ‘ARCHAEOLOGY’ (f 257)
  • ‘MISCELLANEOUS’ (ff 258-259), consisting of: Khandeish Model Farm; Emigration; Agricultural Improvements; Local Funds; Hill Station of Toongar; Pensioners’ Colony; Ahmedabad Horse Show.

A table of contents listing the headings and sub-headings of the report is on folios 4-5. In a small number of instances there are discrepancies in the spelling, phrasing or inclusion of sub-headings between the table of contents and the body of the report. In these cases the sub-heading as it appears in the body of the report is included above.

Extent and format
1 item (257 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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‘GENERAL REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, FOR THE YEAR 1869-70’ [‎119r] (235/463), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/V/10/282/1, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 17 July 2024]

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