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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎794v] (1593/1826)

The record is made up of 1 volume (908 folios). It was created in 1829. It was written in English, Arabic and Persian. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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A (iUr^ miljdzj (Cattle) cropping the tops of pot-herbs.
a maljaii) (A man) who sucks his camels from avarice.
a maljun^ Shaken (leaves of trees) mixed with meal,
date-stones, or barley (as food for camels). Refractory.
milchakh) A stone for a sling.
p ICs.^ malchaku, Wish, will, desire, inclination.
a malh (from ^ c ), Salting, seasoning (a pot). Giving
suck, or offering one (milk). Feeding (flocks) with salsuginous
herbage, different from hamz. malh ba-
rud abyaz, Saltpetre. Mithj Salt. Salt, salusuginous, or brackish
(water). A draught of milk. Beauty. Science. Fatness. Protec
tion. icLall milhu's'sdghati. Borax. Malah, An unnatu
ral swelling in the hough or in the pastern of cattle. Whiteness
mixed with black. Mulah, (pi. of <£ 5 ^° mulhat) Narratives, sto
ries, tales. White mixed with black.
a malhd, (fern, of amlah) (A sheep) variegated with
black and white w r ool. Very blue or gray (eyed). A great body
of horsemen, especially with white arms or armour. (A night)
white with dew or hoar-frost. Best, most convenient. The middle
of the back between the haunch and the hip.
a milhah. Importunate in begging. A camel’s saddle
hurting his back. A>-jrahd-i tnilhdh,A mill-stone press
ing hard upon what it grinds.
a jnilhdk, An excellent she-camel.
A malhdn or milhdn^ Winter-months or days white wit^ 1
hoar-frost or snow. The months called rabi^u'l dkhir
and^p-l kdnun-i dkhir.
A milhaby An instrument with which any thing is cut
off or peeled. Slanderous, reviling. A calumniator. Mulahhaby
Cut, amputated. Beaten or open (road).
a^s^ 0 mulhaty A narrative, a story, a tale, a relation, a fable.
A blue or a gray colour, white mixed with black. Reverence.
Gravity, authority.
A mulhajy A place of refuge, an asylum.
A mulhady A tomb in the side of which a niche has been
cut. Mulhidy A heretic, pagan, unbeliever, one who denies the
resurrection of the dead. A deist. Impious, iniquitous.
A malhas (from Licking (a dish). Milhas, Co
vetous, grasping. Bold.
A jnalhaSy An asylum.
a milhaf (and t&slr* rnilhafat). The outward covering
of the body. Mulhify Importunate, urgenti. 0 ’ 1 *) ^ Bm A
A mulhaky Added, joined, annexed, attributed, coherent,
adherent, belonging to. Mulhak or mulhiky Adopted, ascititious.
^ mulhakdty (pi. fern, of ^5^° mulhuk) Additions,
appendices. Towns taken from an enemy, and incorporated
with or annexed to the empire.
mulahlihy A lord, the chief of a family.
p malhamy Silk cloth.
A . mulhamy One who lives upon wild-fowl or other game.
A kind of cloth or garment. Mulhim, A weaver. Mulahhaniy
Fleshy, corpulent.
a mulhamaty A bloody battle. Peace. Restoration or
arrangement (of affairs).
A malhuby Beaten (path). Peeled (timber). Cut
lengthwise. Name of a place.
A malhudy (A sepulchre) dug in the side. Buried.
a malhusy Sucked, licked. Containing little flesh.
a malhuzy Looked at kindly, observed with affection,
regard, or respect. Contemplated, thought of.
ACjll^s^ 0 malhuzat, (pi. fem. oflc^s^ 0 malhuz) Thoughts,
meditations, agitations of mind.
a ls^ malhiyy Traduced; blamed, disgraced. Disputed.
Peeled (timber).
A'^° malkh (from ^ c ), Going stoutly. Travelling far. Be
ing much addicted (to trifles). Seizing or catching with the
teeth and dragging. Being folded, doubled, bent. Being
broken to pieces. Corruption of meat. Coition.
p malakhy A locust, malakh-i dbi (d\so
malakh-i daryuy)y A sea-locust, i. e. a shrimp.
malakh-i piyudahy A grasshopper. A small locust whose wings
are not yet grown. 1
a mulakhkhuby Beat with blows. Worsted at law.
a mulkhaty Hard travelling.
malakhchy Name of an herb which intoxicates such
animals as eat of it.
A u ^° mulakhkhas (or jnulakhkhasu’t' taf-
sil)y Succinctly related, extracted, abridged.
malkhudariy To card cotton.
A milkhu'y A gallipot for holding drugs. A snuff-box.
The skin of a marine animal which excites sneezing.
A (and jjljkLc 7/?a//(/a7i), Softness, tenderness. Youth.
W avering, tottering.
a^aLc malddy (fem. of amlad) Tender, delicate (gi r 0*
a milddniy A stone for breaking date-stones.
A mildaSy A stone with which they break date-stones.
A man treading firm; powerful invenery. MuladdctSy Mended
or patched (boot; and being applied to garments).

About this item


The volume is A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations , by John Richardson, of the Middle Temple and Wadham College, Oxford. Revised and improved by Charles Wilkins. This new edition has been enlarged by Francis Johnson. The volume was printed by J. L. Cox, London, 1829.

The volume begins with a preface (folios 7-8), followed by the dissertation (folios 9-40), proofs and illustrations (folios 41-49), and an advertisement on pronunciation and verb forms (folios 50-51). The dictionary is Arabic and Persian to English, arranged alphabetically according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets. At the back of the volume are corrections and additions (folio 908).

Extent and format
1 volume (908 folios)

The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 910; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English, Arabic and Persian in Latin and Arabic script
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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎794v] (1593/1826), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/5/397, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 8 January 2025]

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