'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [228r] (460/1826)
The record is made up of 1 volume (908 folios). It was created in 1829. It was written in English, Arabic and Persian. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
Pj\j tar, The top, summit, vertex, pinnacle, ridge (of a house
or mountain) the head or higher part of any thing. The warp
of a web in the loom. A bow-string. The string of a musical
instrument. A thread. A wire. A girdle. A curl, a braid.
Darkness, obscurity. Muddy water. Dark, obscure. Apiece.
A species of palm-tree from which an intoxicating liquor (toddy)
is extracted. A cloud. j\j chashm-i tar, Cloudy eyes,
blind. LUy+Cuc- ^j\j tur-i ^ankabut, A spider’s web.
Ajb‘ tura, Once, one time. One time or other, whensoever.
Name of Abraham’s father.
a jli' turr, Moist, juicy. Fat and smooth-skinned. Weak and
languid (from hunger).
p Ijli' tar a, (s friTi) A star. The pupil of the eye.
p l *— Tarab, Name of a village near Bukhara.
pC^'ljb tarut, Spoil, plunder, depredation.
A tariit, (pi. of i^lj tarat) Times, turns.
p taraj, Spoil, plunder, sack, Ujo ^ taraj
o yaghma kardan, To plunder and sack (a city).
taraj-gar, A spoiler, a pillager, a robber.
p taras, Taming, bringing under subjection,
p tarash, Pillage, plunder, robbery, devastation.
p turan, Dark. A beclouded sky. Melodious voices.
Name of an island in the Red Sea.
A C—> i u ta-arrub, (v of <-r^) Being drawn extremely tight
(a knot). Applying with unremitted assiduity (to business).
Being violent, severe, oppressive. Resisting, obstinately re
fusing. Rebellion. Being intelligent, sagacious, shrewd, sly.
p jb' tar-putt, Embroidery.
A isj\j tarat, A time, a turn. Once, one time. Sometimes.
A girl introduced amongst lovers. Another time.
iju A*.' Time after time, oftentimes, frequently.
tar-tar, Piecemeal. To atoms.
v jb tar-tan, A weaver. The silk-worm. A spider,
p jb tar-tanak, A spider,
p jy'Ju tartar, Piecemeal. Hard. Dark, obscure.
A ta-arruj, (v of ^j\) Diffusing a grateful odour,
p tj j^;b tar-chbbah, Asparagus.
A ~j\j Tarah (or Tarakh), (iieb. rPID) Abraham’s father.
a Oj\j tarad (or ^b tarah), A tike which infests cattle.
Ajjb tariz, Hard. Strong. Avaricious. Dry. Withered.
Spiritless, evaporated. Dead. Strength, firmness. A carcase.
a ^b taris, (part.) Arming with shield or helmet.
a J^jXj tarish, Light.
A ^jb' ta-arruz, (v of Putting forth the blade (grass),
being fit for grazing or mowing. Cropping such grass (a goat).
Meeting. Happening, befalling. Bending to the earth with
weight. Being sluggish, delaying. Abiding in a country.
p tarak, (diminutive of jb f«r) A little hill, aheap. A
head, a summit. The top, the crown of the head. A helmet.
A C>jb tarik, (part.) Leaving, deserting. Following in suc
cession. bjjJ^ tariku'd dunya, Abandoning the world.
An anchoret, p tarik kardan, To abandon, relinquish,
p tar-kdri, Fillagree-work.
p tar-kash, A wire-drawer.
p ^jb Taram, Name of a city the inhabitants of which are
renowned for the comeliness of their persons.
p fjb tarim. Any building of a circular form, with an arched
or cupola-roof. The vault of heaven. The raftering of a house,
the roof, a floor, a story. The top of any thing. A very dark
house. A kind of moveable Turkoman or Tartar’s cottage,
made of slight spars of wood, and covered with felt-cloth : (it is
cupola-roofed, with a large hole at top, through which the
smoke ascends, winding spirally round a pole placed in the
ground near to the fire).
pjU b tar-mar (^bc^b tar-man or^be jjb' tar o mar'), Dis
persed, scattered, dissipated. JdjjJ jU j jbjb'b lashkar-i
tatar taro mar budand, The Tartar army were dispersed,
p tar-megh, A cloud. A dense fog, a mist,
p tarang, A spider. The foundation of a wall,
pjjb turn, A tike or louse infesting cattle,
p j jb tar o bud, Existence,
p jjb' tar o pud, The warp and the web.
PjyJyjb tar o pur, Very dark. In pieces.
A 5yjb' tarurat (fern.), About to give.
Pjbcjjb - tar o mar, Scattered. Destroyed. Topsy-turvy,
p jjyjb tarun, Dark.
p Xj\i tarah, A cupola. A lute-string. A wallet thrown
across the back of a horse. A bleeding wound. Obscure, dark.
The w r arp of cloth. The scale or bason of a balance. An ob
scure corner. The loins. Head, summit.
p t^.b' turl, Darkness, obscurity. A single thread, wire, &c.
Dark. Summit. A liquor exuding from a certain tree ; toddy.
A (_ 5 jb Tart, Name of a place between Hijaz and Tabuk.
A ta-arri, (v of Staying, continuing. Abiding in
one place. Bending the mind, devoting the whole attention to.
Making honey (a bee). Withdrawing, lurking behind.
U ta-rib (n of < — r ^j\') Tying fast (a knot). Defining,
setting bounds to. Completing, performing. Doing much.
A<bjU ta-riyat, (n ofjj?^) Bringing. Strengthening, esta
blishing. Tethering (a horse), fastening (him) to the cratch.
Standing still, remaining in one place (as a horse in the stall).
Making honey (a bee). Lighting (a fire). Stirring up (a fire).
£«-/’?$,(ii of lL^) Kindling a fire. Stirring up strife.
A \1 ; ta-rij, (n of Raising, fomenting dissensions.
ta-rikh, (n of ^j-) Fixing a time. Dating (a letter).
A history, chronicle, calendar, era, epoch, year, date (of a
letter or event). Ben Shunah, an accurate Arabian lawyer and
historian, says, that this word is a corruption from the Persian
2 Z
About this item
- Content
The volume is A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations , by John Richardson, of the Middle Temple and Wadham College, Oxford. Revised and improved by Charles Wilkins. This new edition has been enlarged by Francis Johnson. The volume was printed by J. L. Cox, London, 1829.
The volume begins with a preface (folios 7-8), followed by the dissertation (folios 9-40), proofs and illustrations (folios 41-49), and an advertisement on pronunciation and verb forms (folios 50-51). The dictionary is Arabic and Persian to English, arranged alphabetically according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets. At the back of the volume are corrections and additions (folio 908).
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (908 folios)
- Arrangement
The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 910; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.
Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.
- Written in
- English, Arabic and Persian in Latin and Arabic script View the complete information for this record
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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [228r] (460/1826), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/5/397, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100085185905.0x00003d> [accessed 3 January 2025]
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- Reference
- IOR/R/15/5/397
- Title
- 'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, 2r:845v, 845ar:845av, 846r:909v, back-i
- Author
- Richardson, Sir John, 9th Baronet
- Usage terms
- Public Domain