‘Memorandum respecting the frontier between Mohammerah and Turkey.’ [28r] (55/82)
The record is made up of 1 file (41 folios, 5 maps). It was created in 3 Apr 1912. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
boundary proposed by the Mediating Commis
sioners proceeds, in as straight a line as circum
stances will permit, across the desert towards
Hawizah (see map opposite p. 37). Lieutenant
Wilson urges that it ought to extend, according
to the claims of the Sheikh of Mohammerah,
Sir G. Barclay some twenty-five miles or so to the west of
(Tehran), No. 169, x i
September 9,1909. that town; that the irrigation system does
extend to the west of that town for 1G miles;
and that it is occupied by tribes tributary to
the Yali of Hawizah. He represents that as
the Mediating Commissioners' line bisects the
territory of the Yali of Hawizah, it would be
impossible for His Majesty's Government to
urge it upon the Sheikh of Mohammerah or
the Persian Government, the more so- since the
turbulent Beni Turuf tribe would be placed
partly in Turkish territory.*
I submit that if His Majesty's Government
procure a deviation from the Mediating Com
missioners' line to the extent of 6^ miles on the
Shatt-el-Arab (so as to include the Sheikh's
palace, &c.), they will have secured the most
important point; it seems, however, altogether
outside the range of practical politics to expect
Turkey either willingly to abandon, or His
Majesty's Government forcibly to compel her to
give up, such an extensive district to the west of
the Mediating Commissioners' line in the north ;
the Sheikh of Mohammerah, moreover, already
has to a certain extent under his control a
number of tribesmen, believed to aggregate
75,000, on the right bank of the Shatt-el-Arab
in what is incontestably Turkish territory ; it
is doubtful how far he is really entitled by
treaty to exercise such control; but, be this as
it may, if he does exercise control over his
tribesmen on the right bank of the Shatt-el-Arab,
there seems no prima facie reason why those in
the re"ion of Hawizah should not be on a
similar footing. There might be some difficulties
of irrigation ; but they could probably be
adjusted by mutual agreement.
The Sheikh of Mohammerah is a wealthy
* In his despatch dated May 26, 1909, Lieutenant Wilson
writes that lack of exact geographical knowledge renders it
impossible to lay down the limits of Ilawizah territory with
certainty, but that the sheikh's claims extend " 6 to 8 farsakhs
west of Hawizah" : but in a despatch dated March 12, 1910,
he writes of the frontier line as locally observed as being only
some 10 miles west of Ilawizah."—A. P.
[2440 c—10] N
About this item
- Content
The memorandum concerns the border between Mohammerah [Khorramshahr] and Turkey, and was prepared by Alwyn Parker of the Foreign Office. There are a number of labels at the top of the first page: ‘Persia’, ‘Confidential’ and ‘Section 10’. The memorandum sections are as follows:
- Part I. A preface (folios 1-5), introducing the points at issue, with two maps, the first being a sketch map of the Mohammerah district, with the proposed Turkish, Persian and mediating commissioner’s lines indicated (folio 2), and a map compiled from plane table surveys by Lieutenant Arnold Talbot Wilson in 1909, with the frontier as defined by the mediating commissioners in 1850 (folio 4);
- Part II. An historical summary (folios 6-19) of British Government correspondence relating to the border dispute, with the chief focus being on correspondence exchanged during the period 1843-52, around the time of the Treaty of Erzeroum (c.1848). This part contains two copies of a map, a facsimile of a diagram of the disputed area, the original of which was enclosed by Colonel Williams in his despatch of 4 February 1850, indicating Turkish and Persian claims and the mediating commissioner’s proposal (folios 15, 19);
- Part III. Conclusion (folios 20-28), with a further map (folio 23), an exact copy of that found on folio 4.
The appendices that follow are:
- A: British assurances given to the Shaikh of Mohammerah, 1899 and 1902-10;
- B. Protocol of December 1911 (in French) for the proposal settlement of the Turco-Persian frontier question;
- C. An extract from Sir Austen Henry Layard’s Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia , published in 1887. The extract is from volume 2, pp 431-439;
- D. Rough notes made by General William Monteith when in Persia, on the frontier of Turkey and Persia, as communicated to the Foreign Office in 1843;
- E. Observations by Sir Henry Rawlinson on a Persian memorandum relative to the situation of the cities of Mohammerah and Fellahiah [Fallāḥīyah], 1844;
- F. Text of the Treaty of Erzeroum, 31 May 1847, in English and French translation;
- G. Copy of a despatch from Sir Stratford Canning, the British Ambassador to Istanbul, to Lord Palmerston, Foreign Secretary, dated 30 May 1850;
- H. Copy of a despatch from Lord Palmerston to Lord Broomfield, dated 12 July 1850.
- Extent and format
- 1 file (41 folios, 5 maps)
- Arrangement
The memorandum is arranged into three parts, labelled I, II and III, which are followed by eight lettered appendices, A-H. Historic correspondence referred to in the memorandum is referenced in the inside page margin.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: The foliation sequence commences at the first folio and terminates at the last folio; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.
Pagination: The booklet contains an original typed pagination sequence.
- Written in
- English and French in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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‘Memorandum respecting the frontier between Mohammerah and Turkey.’ [28r] (55/82), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/18/B380, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100024051501.0x000038> [accessed 24 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/L/PS/18/B380
- Title
- ‘Memorandum respecting the frontier between Mohammerah and Turkey.’
- Pages
- 1r:1v, 3r:14v, 16r:18v, 20r:30v, 33r:41v
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence