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‘The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies’ [‎457] (478/508)

The record is made up of 1 volume (480 pages). It was created in 1665. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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A Voyage to EAST-INDIA, &c.
after one days wearing. But for the though his cloath-
ingbenotricliandcodly;, yet I believe that there is never a
Monarch in the whole world that is daily adorned with fo ma
ny Jewels as himfelfis. Now^ they are Jewels which make
mens covering moft rich 5 fuch as people in other parts fome-
times wear about them, that are otherwife moft meanly habi
ted. To which purpofe I was long fince told by a Gentleman of
honour, fent as a Companion to the old Earl of Nottingham^
when he was imployed as an extraordinary Embaffadour by
King- James, to confirm the peace made 'twixt himfelf and the
King of Spain, which Emballadour had a very great many
Gentlemen in his train, in as rich clothing as Velvets and Silks
could make 5 but then there did appear many a great Don, or
Grandee in the Spamjb Court, in along black bays Cloak and
Caflack, which had one Hatband of Diamonds, which was of
more worth by far, than all the bravery of the Ambafladors
many Followers. ■ . . :
But for the Mogol, T wonder not at his manry Jewels, he be
ing fas 1 conceive) the greateft, and richeft Mafter of precious
ftones that inhabits the whole earth. For Diamonds (which
of ail other are accounted moft precious ft ones J they are found
in Decaff (where the Rocks are, out of which they are digged)
the Princes whereof are the next Neighbours and Tributaries to
the great Mogol, and they pay himas TFribute many Diamonds
yearly-5 and further, he hath the refufal ot all thofe rich ftones
they fell,' he having Gold and Silver in the greateft abundance,
(and that will purchafe any thing but heaven)&: he wil part with
any mony for any Gems befidejthat are precious and great,whe
ther Rubies, or any other ftones of value,as alfo for rich Pearls.
And his Grandees follow him in that fancy : for one of his
great Lords gave our Merchants there, twelve hundred pounds
flerling for one Pearl which was brought out of England. The
Pearl was (haped like a Pear, very large, beautiful, and ori
ent, and fo its price deferved it ftiould be. ^
Now the Jldogol having fuch an abundance of Jewels, wears
many of them" daily 5 enow to exceed thofe women, which
"Rome was wont to fhew in their Star-like drefles^ who m the
height and profperity of that Empire
* wweJaid to wear
the Jpoils of Nations in one ear.
Or, LoUia Paulina., who was hid with Jewels, t or the great
ottaaboothis wrifc. -d*.
N nn

About this item


The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies . Translated from the Italian by George Havers. A dedication, written by Havers to the Right Honourable Roger, Earl of Orrery, precedes the main text. The second part of the volume, A Voyage to East-India with a description of the large territories under the subjection of the Great Mogol , was written by Edward Terry, and not, as the frontispiece suggests, by Sir Thomas Roe.

Publication details: Printed by J Macock for Henry Herringman, London, 1665.

There are pencil and ink annotations in margins of many pages in the volume. The index at the end of the volume is handwritten, and contains entries for: Persia, Portuguize [Portuguese], Surat, Ormuz [Hormuz], Cambay [Khambhat], and Shah Abbas.

Extent and format
1 volume (480 pages)
Written in
English in Latin script
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‘The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies’ [‎457] (478/508), British Library: Printed Collections, 212.d.1., in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 8 March 2025]

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