‘Uyūn al-ḥaqā’iq wa-īḍāḥ al-ṭarā’iq عيون الحقائق وايضاح الطرائق ‘Irāqī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad عراقي، محمد ابن أحمد

Add MS 23390, ff 50v-87v

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The record is made up of ff. 50v-87v. It was created in 17th century. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

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An exhaustive treatise on the magical arts based upon writings attributed to Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Galen as well as more recent authorities. The author's name is given in full as Abū al-Qāsim Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, known as al-‘Irāqī Khusrawshāh (أبو القاسم أحمد ابن محمد المعروف بالعراقي بخسروشاه [!], the last name should probably be read al-Khusrawshāhī [الخسروشاهي]; f. 52, lines 20-21). The treatise was written in the latter half of the 13th century since its preface mentions the reigning Mamluk Sultan, al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Rukn al-Dīn (i.e. Baybars I al-Bunduqdārī, r. 658/1260-676/1277; f. 50v, line 6), his son Barakah (f. 51r, line 18), and his vizier Bahā’ al-Dīn (f. 51r, line 5; see Holmyard's introduction to Abu al-Qāsim al-ʿIrāqī's, Kitāb al-ʿilm al-muktasab, 1923, p. 3). It begins with a dedicatory preface (ff. 50v-51r, line 20), and an introduction that includes a list of the treatises thirty chapters (أبواب; ff. 51r, line 20-52v, line 3).

Begins (f. 50v, lines 2-3):الحمد لله الذي أطلع لنا من مشارق الأرض شموسًا لا يتم خط سياح الملكوالشريعة المحمدية الأبهم وهديهم من الضلالة لحفظ رعيته من المؤمنين

Ends (f. 87v, lines 13-17):اعلم يا أخي أن هذه الحروف يتعلق بالكواكب السبعةالسيارة ومعرفة خواصها وما يناسب كل حرفمنها إلى أي معدن فافهم ومعك الله لطاعتهوجنبك عن معصيته والله حسبيونعم الوكيل

Extent and format
ff. 50v-87v
Written in
Arabic in Arabic script
Manuscript item

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: Oriental Manuscripts
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Archive reference
Add MS 23390, ff 50v-87v

History of this record

17th century (CE, Gregorian)

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Select Bibliography


  • ‘Irāqī, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Kitāb al-ʿilm al-muktasab fī zirāʿat al-dhahab: Book of knowledge concerning the cultivation of gold , Eric John Holmyard, ed. and trans., (Paris: P. Geuthner, 1923)
  • Ullmann, Manfred, Die Natur- und Geheimwissenschaften im Islam (Leiden: Brill, 1972), pp. 391-92

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‘Uyūn al-ḥaqā’iq wa-īḍāḥ al-ṭarā’iq عيون الحقائق وايضاح الطرائق ‘Irāqī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad عراقي، محمد ابن أحمد, British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Add MS 23390, ff 50v-87v, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023587816.0x000002> [accessed 8 September 2024]

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