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'Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf. Vol I. Historical. Part II. J G Lorimer. 1915' [‎1648] (165/1262)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (1165 pages). It was created in 1915. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Later ad
This prince signalised his governorship by repairing the principal public
works at Shushtar, viz., the two dams which span the Ab-i-Gargar at its
head and the Pul-i-Dizful; but the bridge last-mentioned, though the
work on it (which was completed in 1810) had occupied four years, had
cost a large sum of money, and had been executed under British super
vision, was again partially destroyed by a flood in 1832. In 1818
Muhammad 'Ali Mirza led, or sent, a force against Fallahiyeh, and a
sum of 13,000 Tumans was wrung from the Ka^ab Shaikh on account of
arrears of the tribute which was claimed from him by the Persian
The Persian arrangements for the administration of ^Arabistan after
1822 are not ascertainable; but it seems likely that the province remained
in a semi-subdued condition, revenue being collected at irregular intervals
by military expeditions, on the withdrawal of which the local chiefs-
such as the Ka'ab Shaikh and the Wali of Hawizeh—resumed or were
nominally replaced in charge of their hereditary jurisdictions. During
some portion at least of Fat-h ''Ali Shah^s reign one of the principal
Persian officials at Shiraz received part of his salary in the form of an
annual assignment of 1,000 Tumans on the tribute due from the Ka^ab
Affairs of the
Ka'ab tribe.
Rise of the
tribe, and
and growth
of Muham-
Internal history of 'Arabistan^ 1797-1834.
At the beginning of Fat-h 5 Ali Shah's reign the Shaikhship of the
Ka'ab was still held by 'Alwan. 'Alwan was ousted in 1801, by
Muhammad-bin-Barkat, who retained his position until 1812. The
successor of Muhammad was Ghaith, a grandson of the famous Shaikh
Salman \ his rule began in 1812 and ended in 1828, when he was
murdered. Ghaith was followed by his brother Mubadir or Mubashir,
who reigned for three years; and the latter by a Shaikh named
'Abdullah-bin-Muhammad. In or about 1832 Thamir-bin-Ghadhban
became chief of the tribe.
The foundation of the town of Muhammareh, which is assigned to
the year 1812, was an important event. It contributed materially to
the progress of the Muhaisin tribe, who were at first an insignificant
body, but whose chief was destined in the end to supplant the Shaikh of
the Ka'ab as the principal political power in Southern 'Arabistan. Mu
hammareh was established under the orders of Shaikh Ghaith, Ka'ab,
as a military outpost against the Turks or the Arab tribes under Turkish
influence, and it stood originally on both sides of the Karun River. The

About this item


This volume is Volume I, Part II (Historical) of the Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , ’Omān and Central Arabia (Government of India: 1915), compiled by John Gordon Lorimer and completed for press by Captain L Birdwood.

Part II contains an 'Introduction' (pages i-iii) written by Birdwood in Simla, dated 10 October 1914, 'Table of Chapters, Annexures, Appendices and Genealogical Tables' (pags v-viii), and 'Detailed Table of Contents' (ix-cxxx). These are also found in Volume I, Part IA of the Gazetteer (IOR/L/PS/20/C91/1).

Part II consists of three chapters:

  • 'Chapter X. History of ’Arabistān' (pages 1625-1775);
  • 'Chapter XI. History of the Persian Coast and Islands' (pages 1776-2149);
  • 'Chapter XII. History of Persian Makrān' (pages 2150-2203).

The chapters are followed by nineteen appendices:

Extent and format
1 volume (1165 pages)

Volume I, Part II is arranged into chapters that are sub-divided into numbered periods covering, for example, the reign of a ruler or regime of a Viceroy, or are arbitrarily based on outstanding land-marks in the history of the region. Each period has been sub-divided into subject headings, each of which has been lettered. The appendices are sub-divided into lettered subject headings and also contain numbered annexures, as well as charts. Both the chapters and appendices have further subject headings that appear in the right and left margins of the page. Footnotes appear occasionally througout the volume at the bottom of the page which provide further details and references. A 'Detailed Table of Contents' for Part II and the Appendices is on pages cii-cxxx.

Physical characteristics

The foliation sequence is circled in pencil, in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. of each folio. It begins on the first folio with text, on number 879, and ends on the last folio with text, on number 1503.

Written in
English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script
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'Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf. Vol I. Historical. Part II. J G Lorimer. 1915' [‎1648] (165/1262), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/20/C91/2, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 18 October 2024]

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