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'Administration Report of the Persian Gulf for the Year 1937' [‎15v] (30/72)

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The record is made up of 1 file (34 folios). It was created in 1938. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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26. He was succeeded by Aqai Mohamed Ibrahim Alam (formerly the-
Amir Chevket ul Mulk), who arrived in Shiraz on September 7 (His Excellency
is mentioned in Personalities in Persia, 1930, under the name of Mohamed
Ibrahim Khan, C.I.E.). He was appointed to Ears unexpectedly, not having
held any administrative post before under the present regime. He was
formerly hereditary Governor of Kain and Birjand, but has resided for some
years in Tehran. The appointment of one of the old nobility as Governor
General of Fars is an interesting experiment. The district which he adminis
ters has since been re-organised and he has been confirmed in his post with
the title of Astandar-i-Junub (Governor of the Southern District).
27. His Excellency keeps completely aloof from local society and sees
little of his subordinates or military colleagues. Relations with the Consulate
hitherto have been courteous and helpful. It has been necessary again to
discuss the Consulate water and also the desecration of the' English Cemetery.
The Governor General was formerly very friendly towards British consular
officers and others who visited his district in East Persia. In view of this and
of his British decoration, it has been found prudent to restrict social relations
in order not to embarrass him vis-d-vis the present Government. The Acting
Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. accordingly did not call on him when in Shiraz on recess.
28. The Municipality was under the direction of Aqai Suhaily, brother
of the Iranian Minister in London, until August when he was removed. He
was brought back from Tehran under escort and has been in prison in Shiraz
for two months. Though largely the catspaw of the Governor General, he
and the Municipal Council have been guilty of numerous malpractices in the
matter of licenses and control of prices. There is little to show for his tenure
of office but work begun and not carried out. His successor is carrying on
with some of these schemes. They include a Hospital, an Orphanage, a
Municipal Tea-house and Guest-room for official visitors near the site of the
Quran-Gate, repair of the small bridge over the river on the Isfahan Road,
and the continuation of the central avenue of the town, Khiaban Zand, east
ward through the centre of the town and bazaar. This street is now opened
up and in use by traffic for a distance of one and a half miles, but nearly half
its length is bordered by ruined houses. Some of the bazaar demolitions have
been cleared away. Compensation was paid to the Imperial Bank of Iran
for the expropriation of their land for this purpose.
29. One of the few survivors of the purge is the Chief of Police, who has
continued friendly towards the Consulate, though a little over-curious regarding
visitors and their movements. He furnished guides on several occasions for
British travellers who wished to visit mosques and other public buildings,
and he made prompt though unfruitful enquiries when damage was done in
the Cemetery. He has effected the change of all foreign notices to the Iranian
language without undue friction and has been instructed recently to devote
his attention to the sun in the national emblem, as depicted on papers and
buildings, from which the human features are to be removed.
30. The Acting Director of Public Security visited Shiraz during the
year and the Force has remained smart in appearance since his departure.
Burniaries were prevalent in the summer, but articles stolen from the Consul's
car and from the Bank Manager's car were in each case recovered, though
aitides taken from the latter's house were unfortunately not found.
31. Some difficulties were experienced by the Church Missionary Society
in connexion with Church services and literature for Iranian subjects.
32. During the summer economic conferences were held in Tehran
to consider future agricultural and industrial prospects, to which the Governor
General and the Director of the Finance Department went together with
many of the leading notables of the town to watch events and one another.
After the departure of the Governor General enquiries were made into the
working of various branches of the Finance Department. Finally the
Director was transferred in October and the head of the Grain Purchasing
Office was dismissed.
33. Stocks of grain and flour have been low throughout the year owing
to the operations of the central authorities in Tehran. The local office has
made continual difficulties for the German owner of a small flour mill and for

About this item


The file consists of Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. for the Year 1937 (New Delhi: Government of India Press, 1938).

The Report, prepared by the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. , summarises important information relating to the Gulf and notable events in the Gulf during 1937. The Report contains a review by the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. , and separate sections on each of the agencies, consulates, and other areas that made up the Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. . The information provided includes lists of personnel, movements of British officials and foreigners, local administration, military and naval matters, aviation, the political situation, trade and commerce, medical reports, meteorological reports, and related information.

Extent and format
1 file (34 folios)

There is a list of contents at the front of the Report, on folio 3.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation system in use commences at 1 on the front cover, and continues through to 36 on the back cover. The sequence is written in pencil, enclosed in a circle, and appears in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Administration Report of the Persian Gulf for the Year 1937' [‎15v] (30/72), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/717, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 18 October 2024]

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