Medical compendium

Arundel Or 10

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The record is made up of Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. iv+174+iii. It was created in 711-712. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

About this record


Manuscript completed by an anonymous scribe on 3 Dhū al-Ḥijja 712/4 April 1313 in part in Aleppo (see colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. to Item 1; f. 9v, lines 5-7). The final colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. in the manuscript is dated late Sha‘bān 711/early January 1312, which perhaps indicates that the manuscript is bound out of its original order (see colophon Section at the end of a manuscript text. to Item 8, f. 174r, lines 13-14).

Folio 1 appears to have been salvaged from a within a previous binding. It contains a densely written text, unrelated to medicine, entitled ‘a tale (حكاية)’.

Folios 2r-3v contain a poem against wine and those who praise it (هذه قصيدة في ذم الخمر وذم مادحها; f. 2r, line 2) by Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Quwwās (صلاح الدين القواس). The poem was copied in an undisciplined hand, presumably that of a reader, on the front papers of the manuscript and around other notes and marginalia.

Apart from the two short texts on ff. 1r-3v, three further naskh hands are distinguishable in the remainder of the manuscript. Items 1-2 (ff. 4v-27v) were written by one hand; Items 3-5 and 7-8 (ff. 28v-104v and 109r-174r) were written by a second hand; and Item 6 (ff. 105v-108v) was written by a third and later hand vertically on the page and in reverse order so that the text is to be read turning the pages from right to left (the foliation has been reversed for this item). Folios 104v-108r (NB: this is one opening) and 123v have been left blank.

Judging by the facts that the items on ff. 4v-27v and those on ff. 28v-174r were written by separate hands, and that a title page is found on f. 28r that lists the texts on ff. 28v-174r but does not mention those on ff. 4v-27v, it seems that ff. 4v-27v and ff. 28v-174r were originally two separate manuscripts that were subsequently bound together. The paper, however, on which these two sections of the present volume were written, appears to be identical.


  • Ibn Taymīyah, Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm (ابن تيمية، أحمد بن عبد الحليم), Refutation of an anonymous poem excusing disbelief in God (ff. 4v-9v);
  • Fragment of an anonymous text on domestic economy (10r-27v);
  • Galen (جالينوس), Isagoge (كتاب إيساغوجي; Introductio sive medicus) (ff. 28r-55r);
  • Anonymous, al-Rawdah al-ṭibbīyah (الروضة الطبي) (ff. 55v-82r);
  • Anonymous, Mukhtaṣar fī ‘ilm al-uṣūl (مختصر في علم الأصول) (ff. 82r-104v);
  • Abū al-Ḥasan al-Ḥarālī (أبو الحسن الحرالي), Untitled work on the virtues and uses of the letters (ff. 105v-108v; foliation reversed);
  • Avicenna (Ibn Sīna) (ابن سينا; actual author Ibn al-Tilmidh [ابن التلميذ]), al-Maqālah al-Amīnīyah fī faṣad al-‘urūq (المقالة الأمينية في فصد العروق) (ff. 109r-123r);
  • Abū al-Ḥasan Sa‘īd ibn Hibat Allāh ibn al-Ḥasan (أبو الحسن سعيد بن هبة الله بن الحسن), Maqālat al-ḥudūd wa-al-furūq (مقالة الحدود والفروق) (ff. 124r-174r)

Title page (f. 28r, lines 1-12):

جملة ما في هذه المجلدة [؟] من الكتب

كتاب إيساغوجي لجالينوس

انتحله حنين ومات من غير تتمة

وانحل حبيش تتمته وادعائه لهما

ولذلك هو معنون بمسائل حنين بزيادات حبيش

ولم يشعرو[ا] الأطباء المتأخرين بذلك يسمي لهما

وفي كتاب الروضة الطبية وفيه مختصر الـ[ـأ]صول

وفيه المقالة الأمينية في الفصد وفيه

كتاب الحدود لأبي الحسين سعيد بن هبة الله

بن الحسن الطبيب

Extent and format
Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. iv+174+iii
Physical characteristics

Material: Paper

Dimensions: 174 x 124 mm leaf [130 x 94 mm written]

Foliation: British Museum foliation in pencil


  • Misṭarah; 11 lines per page; vertical spacing 8 lines per 10 cm (ff. 4v-27v);
  • Misṭarah; 15 lines per page; vertical spacing lines per 10 cm (ff. 28v-104r and 109r-174r);
  • No ruling visible; average 18 lines per page; 16 lines per 10 cm (ff. 105v-108v)

Script: Naskh

Ink: Black ink, with rubricated headings and over lining in red

Binding: British Museum binding in brown leather

Condition: minor waterstains, some foxing and light grime from thumbing, some folios torn and repaired (e.g. ff. 10, 11 and 68)

Marginalia: Occasional marginal annotations and corrections

Written in
Arabic in Arabic script

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: Oriental Manuscripts
Access conditions


Archive reference
Arundel Or 10

History of this record

711-712 (AH, Hijri qamari)
Context of creation



See note on f. 28r of one Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Khalīl (?) ibn al-Ḥaṣūn (?) who inspected and copied the texts on ff. 28v-104r and 109r-174r on 17 Jumādá II 829/26 April 1426.

Front paper i verso The back of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'v'. contains an anonymous bookplate with motto ‘NULLIUS IN VERBA’.

Folio 4r contains stamp inscribed ‘Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis’.

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Medical compendium, British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Arundel Or 10, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 14 March 2025]

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