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افتح في المتصفح العام
افتح في عارض IIIF ميرادور

"الشخصيات. العراق (باستثناء بغداد والكاظمين)، ١٩١٩" [و‎‎٦‎٨] (٣١٨/١٤٠)

هذه المادة جزء من

محتويات السجل: مجلدٌ واحد (١٥٥ ورقة). يعود تاريخه إلى ١٩١٩. اللغة أو اللغات المستخدمة: الإنجليزية. النسخة الأصلية محفوظة في المكتبة البريطانية: أوراق خاصة وثائق جُمعت بصفة شخصية. وسجلات من مكتب الهند إدارة الحكومة البريطانية التي كانت الحكومة في الهند ترفع إليها تقاريرها بين عامي ١٨٥٨ و١٩٤٧، حيث خلِفت مجلس إدارة شركة الهند الشرقية. .


النسخ مستحدث آليًا ومن المرجّح أن يحتوي على أخطاء.

عرض تخطيط الصفحة

(1705) 1 2

kAdhim al sadqAn.
Head of the Bahadil tribe of ‘Amarah, replaced Habib al Shati as Shaikh of Abu
Hallanah. He is a dour man but has set himself to do well by Government. Though
he rules his district with a strong hand he has been unable to attract Bahadilis to his land,
not being jalil. Townsmen sirkals despise him and find him false and tyrannical as
shaikh with some right on their side. A poor type of shaikh outside his willingness to
do anything for us in order to keep his muqata'ah.
kAdhim al sarin.
Minor Shaikh of the Dulaim, Zubaid. Of no particular importance, ‘Aziziyah district.
kAdhim subbi.
A leading Shaikh of the Zuqurt of Najaf, head of the Barraq quarter. Of no family :
he was formerly a coffee maker in Haji ‘Atiyah’s house. In August, 1916, he was one of
the shaikhs administering the town with ‘ Atiyah abu Oulal, q.v., and was in communication
with us. Came in to Baghdad after the occupation. Joined with Haji ‘Atiyah in the
disturbances of October, 1917, but did not follow him into overt rebellion in January,
1918. Participated in the conspiracy which contrived the murder of Captain Marshall
in March, and was executed at Kufah in May.
Youngest son of the paramount Shaikh of the Mujablah, Shammar Toqah, ‘Aziziyah
district. Aged about 17 ; is distinctly promising; reads and writes. Under good
influence should be an asset in the future. Works now as a Revenue Qolchi.
Mandali district. Chief of the Qarah ‘Aulus. An old man, grateful to the Govern
ment for their assistance in maintaining his influence over the tribe. He was put at the
head of the tribe by the Turks in 1917, but there are several ex-chiefs still living.
kamandAr al fahad.
Bani Lam. Favourite son of Fahad al Ghadhban. He did not get on very well with
his father’s sarkals when he was acting agent during Fahad’s detention in Basrah in 1916.
He did his best in his dealings with Government, but had not sufficient influence with the
Arabs. Uses the stick freely. Succeeded his father in June, 1917. Weak and incapable.
Quite under influence of his Mullas.
3an (ob)
Mozan (alive)
‘Asachir (ob)
Ghadhban and Mozan held the estates of ‘Ali Gharbi and Qutbah together, but the
lease was in the name of Ghadhban. They quarrelled with the Turks and were banished
to Hawizah, where they remained for 12 years. Ghadhban died about 1897, Fahad and
Mozan were allowed to come back and the lease was made out in their name. Mozan went
blind and the lease was put up to auction ; ‘Asachir came in as partner with Fahad but
fees were run up to an enormous extent by the fact that Juwi al Lazim and Shabib a
Mizban, q.v., always jealous of Fahad, bid against him. Asachir died immediately after
he had taken the lease. Fa'al and Qunfudh claimed that their names were entered on the
lease as heirs to ‘Asachir, but Fahad, denied all knowledge of this. He turned them out
and they took refuge first with Juwi and then with the Bait Jindil. In 1911 there was a
great fight between Juwi and Fahad on one side and Ghadhban al Bunaiyah and t e
Bait Tindil on the other, Qunfudh and Fa'al fighting with the latter. The Turks intervened
and effected a conciliation, but the claim of Qunfudh and Fa al to half the estates was not
settled. They occupied half of the Shuwaimiyah estate, on the northernmost borders
of the ‘Ali Gharbi estate. We disallowed their claims after attempting to get them to
accept a compromise. They are now living with Juwi. Fahad was at first obige o
join the Turks but welcomed their withdrawal. In August, 1915, he attacked the TmUis
cavalry and drove them back above ‘Ali Gharbi. Early in 1916 he was reported to be
intriguing with Ghadhban al Bunaiyah and refused to supply us with sheep He was
therefore sent for to Basrah in April, 1916, ostensibly on account of arrears of taxes but
after about two months’ detention was allowed to return, and remained in his muqata a
till his death.

حول هذه المادة


يحتوي المجلَّد على بيانات سير ذاتية موجزة للأفراد الناشطين في العراق، وهي تحتوي في كثير من الأحيان على تعليقات حول طبيعة شخصياتهم، سمعتهم، انتماءاتهم السياسية، مهاراتهم في قيادة القوات المسلحة، ومواقفهم تجاه القوى الأوروبية والإقليمية.

الشكل والحيّز
مجلدٌ واحد (١٥٥ ورقة)

يوجد فهرس مرتب حسب المنطقة ثم أبجديًا حسب الاسم في الأوراق ١٤٩-١٥٥.

الخصائص المادية

ترقيم الأوراق: يبدأ تسلسل ترقيم الأوراق (المستخدم للأغراض المرجعية) على الغلاف الأمامي بالرقم ١، وينتهي داخل الغلاف الخلفي بالرقم ١٥٧؛ وهذه الأرقام مكتوبة بالقلم الرصاص ومحاطة بدائرة في أعلى يمين صفحة الوجه الجانب الأمامي للورقة أو لفرخٍ من الورق. كثيرًا ما يشار إليه اختصارًا بالحرف "و". من كل ورقة. ترقيم الصفحات: يتضمن الملف أيضًا تسلسل ترقيم صفحات أصلي مطبوع (١٣٨ صفحة).

لغة الكتابة
الإنجليزية بالأحرف اللاتينية
للاطّلاع على المعلومات الكاملة لهذا السجل

استخدام وإعادة نشر هذه المادة

إعادة نشر هذه المادة
اقتباس هذه المادة في أبحاثك

"الشخصيات. العراق (باستثناء بغداد والكاظمين)، ١٩١٩" [و‎‎٦‎٨] (٣١٨/١٤٠)و المكتبة البريطانية: أوراق خاصة وسجلات من مكتب الهندو IOR/L/PS/20/221و مكتبة قطر الرقمية <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100038132679.0x00008d> [تم الوصول إليها في ٩ نونبر ٢٠٢٤]

رابط لهذه المادة
تضمين هذه المادة

يمكنك نسخ ولصق الفقرة التالية لتضمين الصورة في صفحة الويب الخاصة بك.

<meta charset="utf-8"><a href="https://www.qdl.qa/العربية/archive/81055/vdc_100038132679.0x00008d">"الشخصيات. العراق (باستثناء بغداد والكاظمين)، ١٩١٩" [<span dir="ltr">و‎‎٦‎٨</span>] (٣١٨/١٤٠)</a>
<a href="https://www.qdl.qa/العربية/archive/81055/vdc_100038132679.0x00008d">
	<img src="https://iiif.qdl.qa/iiif/images/81055/vdc_100000000912.0x000090/IOR_L_PS_20_221_0140.jp2/full/!280,240/0/default.jpg" alt="" />
تفاصيل الإطار الدولي لقابلية تشغيل وتبادل الصور

هذا التسجيل IIIF له ملف ظاهر متوفر كما يلي. إذا كان لديك عارض متوافق للصور يمكنك سحب الأيقونة لتحميله.https://www.qdl.qa/العربية/iiif/81055/vdc_100000000912.0x000090/manifestافتح في المتصفح العامافتح في عارض IIIF ميرادورطرق إضافية لاستخدام صور الأرشيف الرقمي

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