Persian Gulf Administration Reports 1883/84 - 1904/05 [228r] (460/602)
The record is made up of 1 volume (299 folios). It was created in 1884-1906. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
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An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent.
FOR THE YEAR 1899-1900. 29
"^~^rTZ^l^)racticable from the beginning to organize any system for coaveying
• i I f to the sufferers, we considered it advisable to adopt some method ot routine
medical reliet ^ ^ w ithin an easy and immediate reach of the attacked persons. With
treatment wmc^ ^ cho | era ^\\ S) one w i t h and the other without opium were freely distri-
this v ie w two ^ . for us among- such persons as were intelligent enough to make a
buted, with - Several hundreds of these pills were subsequently supplied to His High-
^^Jlultan and his officials at their request for the purpose of sending them into the
ness tneom ^ out . there> This was not, however, the course adopted m the
mtenor, wh ^ ^ wbom regular re]ief was sought< Th bei speclfio
case of the a ^ ^tment for cholera, we thought it best to be guided by the symptoms,
remedy or p suecess this mode of treatment involved great trouble, it being
though i , t port t be symptoms almost hourly or every two hours. The plan most
iTeSfollowed was to administer a dose of salol (gr x) with or without sp, chloroform
til»nnlieation ot a large sinapism over the pit of the stomach ; this was followed
^ t half an horn hy ® cholera pill containing the following ingredients, being the formnla
c£ the cholera piUs sold by McKesson & Rob bins, ot New York;-
Pulv. Capsici,
Pulv. Pip. Niger,
Camphora a a 4 parts, and
Pulv. opii—1 part.
• f fl^« dose of salol and cholera pill were found enough to cheek the
In many ins a necessary in only a few cases to repeat the dose of salol
'"It 8 "il rS accordingtosymptoms ; a tbid dose had rarely to be given.
slloUn mv opinion had a highly beneficial effect in not only checking vomiting, but also in
relieving in a charming manner the restlessness and burning sensation when present in a later
r IK d.We In the stape of collapse diffusible stimulants snob as brandy, ammon.a,
amfetlfer were principally administered hourly or every two hours or at longer intervals
airline to the nreenoy of the case, and the strychnia was administered hypodermioally in
according to " r f e , y , tll itl a few others with marked benefit. External application
some few meaTof warm water bottles, heated stones or warmed pieces of cloth
-""ad^^rUnngthe = 1 he. of .e bod.
^ n i e o ins a ^'ra^y^failed^to^Kstow > 'the'fuMtio^ n of a the' 1 H^^s/ 0 The febrl'le
stag n s F^usrinS 1 ^ ™ 7™ m^ 0
an attacked person called £or f 5 per cent.) for disinfecting the dejecta and clothes of
were to be disposed of on recovery or death. 0 i maixc
It is true in the treatment of cholera no particular line ot treatment can be alwavs
It is true toat in me depended upon for giving the same favourable
Result of treatment. result, nor can any given epidemic be taken as
the standard ot the utility of onr therapentie' measures for striving ^ the disease^;
relief from us was 243, outofwhomJU aiea gi g e our treatment the rate of mortality
virulent type as judged from the general rate of mor a i y, i _ _ . o i % a
lu Maskat it ot a total of 162 persons treated only 89 d.ed, ^et only^
per cent, of deaths to treated, whilst among the remaining a uhou»h the disparity between
il-e were 235 deaths, or the alarmingrateof ^ ^ibkittstberlemlre^ that
the two rates seems to be very great, in fact a no .v, t h; ,|j probably by the time the
many ot the persons for whom relief was ^nght bad pioDawy^Dy other
relief could reach them passed through e ^ ^ ^ ^ of e figu
1 personally obtained in Hatrah is not near.y
as favourable as this. . . , - qq . q f n frpnfpd>
In Matrah ont of 81 persons treated 31 died givinga ratio pe^ oen^otj^ totreate^
Whilst among the remaining 809 who Trite ot' mortality But in order to find a correct esti-
cent., or nearly tbe same as the geneial rate of nT1 i v f or the Khoias and Hindus
mate of the value of our treatment we must take tbe fagures only for tl^e ^hojas ana
About this item
- Content
The volume contains printed copies of Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Administration Reports. The Reports are incomplete (according to the introductory letters and lists of contents). Some of the Reports bear manuscript corrections. The following Reports are represented :
- Report on the Administration of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for the Year 1883-84 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1884);
- Report on the Administration of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1884-85 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1885);
- Report on the Administration of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1885-86 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1886);
- Report on the Administration of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1886-87 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1887);
- Report on the Administration of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1887-88 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1888);
- Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1888-89 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1889);
- Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1889-90 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1890);
- Administration Report of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1890-91 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1891);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1891-92 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1892);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1892-93 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1893);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Muscat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1893-94 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1894);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1894-95 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1895);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1895-96 (Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1896);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1896-97 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1897);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1897-98 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1898);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1898-99 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1899);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1899-1900 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1900);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1900-1901 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1901);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1901-1902 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1902);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1902-1903 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1903);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1903-1904 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1904);
- Administration Report on the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. and Maskat Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. for 1904-1905 (Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1906).
The Reports include a general summary by the Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. (covering the constituent agencies and consulates that made up the Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. , and topics such as the slave trade, piracy, the movements of Royal Navy ships, official appointments, and the weather); meteorological tables; separate reports on Muscat (also referred to as Maskat); reports on trade and commerce; and a number of appendices on special topics, such as supplementary notes on the care and culture of date trees and fruit (Report, 1883-84), historical sketch of the Portuguese in eastern Arabia (Report, 1884-85), notes on a tour through Oman and El-Dhahireh [Al Dhahirah] by Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Barrett Miles (Report, 1885-86), notes on cholera in Persia (Report, 1889-90), report on the cholera epidemic in Maskat, Matrah, and Oman (Report, 1899-1900), and information on individuals and tribes.
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (299 folios)
- Arrangement
The Reports are arranged in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume. There is an introductory letter/table of contents at the front of each Report, but these show that the Reports are not complete.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation system in use commences at 3 on the second folio after the front cover, and continues through to 299 on the back cover. The sequence is written in pencil, enclosed in a circle, and appears in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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Persian Gulf Administration Reports 1883/84 - 1904/05 [228r] (460/602), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/709, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 1 December 2024]
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- Reference
- IOR/R/15/1/709
- Title
- Persian Gulf Administration Reports 1883/84 - 1904/05
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:i-v, 3r:298v, back-i
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence