'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.' [64] (383/1024)
The record is made up of 1 volume (898 pages). It was created in 1684. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
Travels in India.
Court {unrounded with Portico’s, under which lies the King’s Guards n
this Court you pafs into another, built after the fame form, encompsft wirhf
veral fair Apartments, the Roofs whereof are terrafs’d. Upon which as i ^
thofe where the Elephants are kept, there are very fair Gardens, wherein tl
grow Trees of that bignefs, that it is a thing of great wonder, how thofe a! e
ihould bear fo vafl a burthen. eArc ^
About fifty years fince, they began to build a magnificei t Pagod in the Ct
which would have been the faireft in all had it been finilh’d. The s ^ ’
are to be admir’d for their bignefs; And that wherein the Nich is made wh’T*
on thatfide where they fay their Prayers, is an entire Rock > offuch a prodJ'
bulk, that it was five years before five or fix-hunder’d men, continually emnlov’If
could hew it out of its place. They were forc’d alfo to row! it along upon an E ’
gine with Wheels, upon which they brought it to the Pagod $ and feveral affirm’d
to me, that there were fourteen-hunder’d Oxen to draw it. I will tell -on h a
after the reafon it remains imperfed .* For had it been finilh’d. in all reafon in!!}
excell’d all the boldeft Structures of Jt/ia. ' a
On the Other fide of the City, as yon go to Maflifatan^ there are two great
Lakes, being each about a league in compafs, wherein there ride feveral Pinks
richly adorn’d for the King’s Pleafure y and upon the Banks are feveral fair Houfes
that belong to the Principal Lords of the Court.
Upon three fides of theGity ftands a very fair wherein are the Tombs
of the Kings of Golconda : and about four in' the afternoon there is a Dole of
Bread and FiUh to all the Poor that come. If you would fee any thing that is
rare, you muff go to view thefe Tombs upon a Feffival-day. For then from
morning till night they are hung with rich Tapeftry.
As for the Government and Policy which is Obferv’d in this City: In thefirft
place, when a Granger comes to the Gates, they fearch him exactly, to fee if he
have any Salt or Tobacco about him; for thofe Commodities bring the Kins his
greateff Revenue. Sometimes a Stranger lhall wait a day or two, before he lhall
have leave to enter. For a Souldier firfl gives notice to the officer that com
mands the Guard, and then he fends to the Deroga^ to know what he ffiall do.
Now, becaufe it many times happens that the Deroga is bufy,. or gone to take a
walk out of the City,or elfe for that fometimes the SouMier himfelf pretends he
cannot find the Deroga, only, to create himfelf more errands, to get the more Mo
ney *, a Stranger is forc’d to endure all this delay,fometimes,as I have faid before/
for a day or two.
When the King fits to do Juff ice, I obferve that he comes into the Balcone that
looks into the Piazza, and all that have bufmefs ftand below, juft againU the place
where the King fits. Between the People and the Walls of the Palace are fix’d
in the ground three rows of Poles, about the length of an Half-Pike, to the ends
whereof they tye certain ropes a-crofs one upon another. Nor is any perfon
whatfoever permitted to pafs beyond thofe bounds, nntefs he be call’d. This Bar,
which is never fet up,but when the King fits in Judgment, runs along the whole
bredth of the Piazza ; and juft againft the Balcone there is a Bar to open,to let
in thofe that are call’d. Then two men; that each of them hold a Cord by the
end, extended all the bredth of the paftage, have nothing to do but tolet fAl the
Cord, for any penon that is call’d to ftep over it,, A Secretary of Sta^pts be
low under the ba) :t>ne, to receive all Petitions ^ and when he has five or fix to
gether,he puts them in a Bag,and then an Eunuch,who ftands in the Balcone neer
the King, lets down a ftring, to which the Bag being ty’d.he drawsit up,aiidpre-
fents it to his Majefty. 1
Every Munday the chiefeft of the Nobility mount the Guard, every one
in their turn, and are never reliev’d till at the eight days end. There arefome
of thefe Lords -that have five or fix thoufand men under their command j
and they lye encamp’d in their Tents round about the City. When they mount
the Guard, every one goes from his own Habitation to the Rendevouz y but
when they are reliev’d, they march in good order over the Bridg, thence
through the long Street into the Piazza, where they draw up before the
Balcone. In the firft place,, march ten or twelve Elephants, more or lefs, ac
cording to the quality of the Captain of the Guard. There are fome of thefe
About this item
- Content
Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.
Author: John-Baptist Tavernier
Publication details: Printed for Moses Pitt at the Angel in St Paul's Churchyard, MDCLXXXIV [1864].
Physical description: Pagination. Vol. 1: [18], 184, 195-264, [2]; [2], 214; [6], 94, [6], 101-113, [1] p., [23] leaves of plates (1 folded). Vol. 2: [8], 154; [12], 14, [2], 15-46, 47-87, [3]; 66 p., [10] leaves of plates (2 folded).
Misprinted page numbers. Vol. 1, part I: 176 instead of 169; 169 instead of 176; 201 instead of 209; 202 instead of 210. Vol. 1, part II: 56 instead of 58; 61 instead of 63; 178 instead of 187. Vol. 1, part III: 13 instead of 30; 49 instead of 48. Vol. 2, part II: 93 instead of 39.
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (898 pages)
- Arrangement
The volume contains a table of contents giving chapter headings and page references which covers all four books within the volume. There is also a list of illustrations giving titles anf page references. There is an alphabetic index at the end of Books I and II and a separate alphabetic index of place names which accompanies the map at the beginning of book IV.
- Physical characteristics
Dimensions: 306 x 200mm
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.' [64] (383/1024), British Library: Printed Collections, 567.i.19., in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100026187078.0x0000b8> [accessed 30 November 2024]
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<meta charset="utf-8"><a href="https://www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100026187078.0x0000b8">'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.' [‎64] (383/1024)</a> <a href="https://www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100026187078.0x0000b8"> <img src="https://iiif.qdl.qa/iiif/images/81055/vdc_100023560208.0x000001/567.i.19._0383.jp2/full/!280,240/0/default.jpg" alt="" /> </a>
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- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain
- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain
- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain
- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain
- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain
- Reference
- 567.i.19.
- Title
- 'Collections of travels through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies. Giving an account of the present state of those countries, as also a full relation of the five years wars, between Aureng-Zebe and his brothers in their father's life time, about the succession. And a voyage made by the Great Mogul (Aureng-Zebe) with his Army from Dehli to Lahor, from Lahor to Bember, and from thence to the Kingdom of Kachemire, by the Mogols, call'd, the Paradise of the Indies. Together with a relation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tunkin, and of their particular manners and trade. To which is added a new description of the Grand Seignior's Seraglio, and also of all the Kingdoms that encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, being the travels of Monsieur TavernierBernier, and other great men.'
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:18, 1:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:50, 50a:50b, 51:56, 56a:56b, 57:86, 86a:86b, 87:128, 128a:128b, 129:178, 178a:178b, 179:184, 195:256, 256a:256b, 257:258, 258a:258b, 259:264, iii-r:iv-v, 1:2, 2a:2b, 3:4, 4a:4b, 5:6, 6a:6b, 7:8, 8a:8b, 9:10, 10a:10b, 11:12, 12a:12b, 13:14, 14a:14b, 15:148, 148a:148d, 149:150, 150a:150b, 151:152, 152a:152b, 153:166, 166a:166b, 167:214, 1:6, 1:114, 1:8, 1:154, 1:18, 1:14, 14a:14f, 15:16, 16a:16b, 17:22, 22a:22b, 23:46, 46a:46h, 47:52, 52a:52b, 53:92, 1:66, v-r:v-v, back-i
- Author
- Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1605-1689--Travel
- Usage terms
- Public Domain