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'The travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East Indies, through the Black Sea, and the country of Colchis. Containing the author's voyage from Paris to Ispahan. To which is added, the coronation of the present King of Persia, Solyman the III.' [‎149] (572/594)

The record is made up of 1 volume (505 pages). It was created in 1691. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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the Grcac fo Glorious and Triumphant. His Government of
Chdhka was at the fame time conferr d upon one of his Sons
Icimaan Kjin, who is a Noble-man of Merit and Courage, and
worthy fuch an Illuftrious Father,
, The Lightning of Royal disfavour fell afterwards upon
qt-Sadec, which name of Sadek in the Oriental Languages fig-
nifiesj^and is the fame with Sadoc among the Hdmvs. Hewas
Brother to Mir^a-lbralm already mention'd, and worfe then he;
YdZter or Farmer-Royal of Fan or the ancient Terfia. The Com
plaints of Shir as at length threw him out of this Employment.
The People had for feveral years with hearty prayers to Heaven
implor'd his Ruin, but could never obtain it; they clamour'd
againft his Robberies and Violences; whole crouds of Petitioners
throng'd to Court with complaints againft him; but his Prefents
and his fpecious Letters fruftrated all their Attempts. Nay,one of
the principal Occafions of the Dut Embaffie in the year 1666.
was to complain of his Vexations, and the ftop which he gave
to their Trade. All the World thought that fuch a blow as
that would have fetch'd his Head from his Shoulders; but he
fended it off by the help of a Sifter which he had in the Womens
Palace. So that he was difcharg'd with only a fevere Repri
mand which was fent him in a Patent of which the Dutch them-
felves were the Meffengers. At length this very year fo many
frefh complaints came aginft him, that he could find no more
Evafions, neither would his pretences avail any longer, though
he ply'd the Court ftill to the value of about thirty thoufand
pound; which they took, but ipar d him never a whit the more.
He was expell'd from his Employment and all his Goods C011-
fifcatcd. It was believ'd at Court that his Eftate would have
amounted to feveral hundred thoufand pounds, but they were
amaz'd when they found that the Account rofe to no more then
80200 /• Sterling in Gold and Silver, which he had at home in
his Coffers, fix thoufand four hundred pound in Goods, Movea
bles, Horfes, Stuffs, Merchandize, and fuch other like Furniture
which was not for ordinary ufe. In his Treafurers Coffers was
found feven thoufand pound in Silver Money, and eight un-
dred feventy five pound in Duckats of Gold.
This crafty Lord longforefaw what then befel him; and
therefore he had convey'd away his Jewels, and what he ha
of moft coftly value, and the greateft part of his ready Money;
and had only left thofe Sums at home to dazle the Eye, an
make the Court believe it was his whole Eftate. But no bo y
could imagine it, and his Majefty fent into all Places belong-

About this item


The travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East Indies, through the Black Sea, and the country of Colchis. Containing the author's voyage from Paris to Ispahan. To which is added, the coronation of this present king of Persia, Solyman the III.

Publication details: London: printed for Christopher Bateman, 1691.

Holding notes: Imperfect, only 16 plates present.

Extent and format
1 volume (505 pages)

The volume contains two sections, an account the travels and an account of the Coronation. There is an index to the account of the travels, which begins after page 417; and a table, similar to an index, for the account of the coronation which begins after page 154.

Physical characteristics

Dimensions: 304mm x 197mm.

Condition: [14], 417, [7[, [2], 154, [6]p, 25 leaves of plates, iii, map, portrait; 31cm. 2°.

Pagination: p265 to p330 have been omitted; the pages between p398 and p403 have been numbered as follows: p402, p400, p401, p399.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'The travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East Indies, through the Black Sea, and the country of Colchis. Containing the author's voyage from Paris to Ispahan. To which is added, the coronation of the present King of Persia, Solyman the III.' [‎149] (572/594), British Library: Printed Collections, ORW.1986.b.10, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 27 September 2024]

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